Pigmen Spawners!

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Jan 3, 2017
England, London
I'm PigmanArmy.

On factions cove the /f top command is working extremely well and refreshing a lot faster then on cove accept there is one flaw that is really annoying me! I am the leader of the faction Oot, and recently we placed up some pigmen spawners atleast 30+. I don't know why but it isn't counting as f top value even though it is a spawner you can buy from /shop.

Please fix it,
I'm PigmanArmy.

On factions cove the /f top command is working extremely well and refreshing a lot faster then on cove accept there is one flaw that is really annoying me! I am the leader of the faction Oot, and recently we placed up some pigmen spawners atleast 30+. I don't know why but it isn't counting as f top value even though it is a spawner you can buy from /shop.

Please fix it,
kek 30 duped "spawner comming right up".... huuuu "What Type".... "Pigman spawners, to cover over our 40 dubbs of gapples!!!"
@OOT Dupes #RipFactionsCove #RipSever and # RipMy12$ISpentOnTheSever
xD ur dumb af none of r spawners r duped ur faction got all the duped stuff lol.
Lol nobody off Desecrator duped so i don't know what you are talking about if I am right nobody got ban from desecrator we can't say that from oot (graka got false ban)
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