Pending kitpvp update & reset

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Mar 7, 2016
Hello everyone!

Most of you have noticed that our kitpvp gamemode has been down for quite a while now. Initially some of the plugins coded by a previous developer completely broke down, breaking the kitpvp gamemode in a state that it was unplayable and it has been in maintenance ever since.

The plan was to recode the plugins and turn it back on again. But some users requested that it could use a proper update as well, so I took the opportunity to add a few updates and reset everything (except for ranks of course).

New spawn + map
An entire new KitPvP map & spawn have been build by @zZer0_ pls say thanks from me :)

players who participated in the event have been able to preview the map already!

Other changes
  • Battlepass with daily and weekly challenges
  • New kits (Chicken nugget kit & Ghost kit) + easy opportunity to add more custom kits in the future!
  • Meta changes to gameplay
  • More block rewards (common, rare, epic, legendary)
  • Added coinflips, rps & jackpots
  • Plugins recoded from ground up
  • Revamped crates & rewards
  • Third partying has been made harder
  • Envoy events + envoy flares
  • Unlock over 185+ cosmetics through grinding the new kitpvp
When is kitpvp releasing?
Kitpvp will open in private beta Friday 8PM CET (for foxking/foxqueen & staff ranked players)
Kitpvp will open publicly Wednesday 8PM CET

What will be reset?
Everything will reset except for your rank
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wow talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show-stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference, put it in a blender, **** on it, vomit on it, eat it, give birth to it.

great work
wow talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show-stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference, put it in a blender, **** on it, vomit on it, eat it, give birth to it.

great work
Are you ok tyler
wow talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show-stopping, spectacular, never the same, totally unique, completely not ever been done before, unafraid to reference or not reference, put it in a blender, **** on it, vomit on it, eat it, give birth to it.

great work
Looking forward to beat you all in PVP ;)
Also looking forward to the fun days on it, I hope it resembles some of the old hype of the 2016 times when it was booming.

See you all on kitpvp!
Cloak, please just open the server at Friday for all players to join. First and foremost no one really has foxgod rank on kitpvp. I’ve been playing it for ages and maybe only seen 2 people with that rank. Since this gamemodes was down for ages with continuous false release dates, I think it’s fair to say to release is some what early for the general public.
Hello everyone!

Most of you have noticed that our kitpvp gamemode has been down for quite a while now. Initially some of the plugins coded by a previous developer completely broke down, breaking the kitpvp gamemode in a state that it was unplayable and it has been in maintenance ever since.

The plan was to recode the plugins and turn it back on again. But some users requested that it could use a proper update as well, so I took the opportunity to add a few updates and reset everything (except for ranks of course).

New spawn + map
An entire new KitPvP map & spawn have been build by @zZer0_ pls say thanks from me :)

players who participated in the event have been able to preview the map already!

Other changes
  • Battlepass with daily and weekly challenges
  • New kits (Chicken nugget kit & Ghost kit) + easy opportunity to add more custom kits in the future!
  • Meta changes to gameplay
  • More block rewards (common, rare, epic, legendary)
  • Added coinflips, rps & jackpots
  • Plugins recoded from ground up
  • Revamped crates & rewards
  • Third partying has been made harder
When is kitpvp releasing?
Kitpvp will open in private beta Friday/Saturday 4PM CET (for foxking/foxqueen & staff ranked players)
Kitpvp will open publicly Sunday 4PM CET

What will be reset?
Everything will reset except for your rank
I love it as much as I love you <3 no h*mo though
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