Event Our new ad-rewards (videos) system and weekly webstore rewards!

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I find it a bit silly how the adds are used.
Adds are supposed to attract potential buyers/players of the product in the add.
Here everyone would open about 10 adds at once, not even listening to what the add is about xD
So I just find it very dumb for the company that made this contract with Foxcraft haha
Where and how do you recieve the code to redeem the $ and how can you keep track of someones balance?
I don't think there will be anything to track the balance, I guess it are just vouchers you'll receive and that you'll have to note them down somewhere.
I find it a bit silly how the adds are used.
Adds are supposed to attract potential buyers/players of the product in the add.
Here everyone would open about 10 adds at once, not even listening to what the add is about xD
So I just find it very dumb for the company that made this contract with Foxcraft haha
And what about the people macroing the sh*t out of it? xD
Yep, I do know how half of the people on Foxcraft doesn't live in Hong Kong, China, Dubai, Japan, Russia and North Korea but to be honest, There's people in those places who'd rly wanna see the ads and maybe get a chance to win the shop vouchers but right now, They don't get a chance to watch those ads. Is it ever going to be fixed and if so, When? :confused: @cloakfox
BTW: My new gamertag iz D4nk_B43_Sl4yZ !
Yep, I do know how half of the people on Foxcraft doesn't live in Hong Kong, China, Dubai, Japan, Russia and North Korea but to be honest, There's people in those places who'd rly wanna see the ads and maybe get a chance to win the shop vouchers but right now, They don't get a chance to watch those ads. Is it ever going to be fixed and if so, When? :confused: @cloakfox
BTW: My new gamertag iz D4nk_B43_Sl4yZ !

I heard a lot of players beeing able to watch the adds, but that's on skyblock glacier, with a lot of people from the netherlands. I myself am from Belgium, so I can't watch it to :/

This gives a big disadvantage, for example the guy who made 3k views in 3 days could get $750k on skyblock if he was on skyblock at that moment.
Maybe its just me but i just checked the current top 10 of this week which is active for 1 day right now... Someone is at 7.5k views... Im at 22 views or something like that... Is there any way to view more faster/more because i have no chance to win
Maybe its just me but i just checked the current top 10 of this week which is active for 1 day right now... Someone is at 7.5k views... Im at 22 views or something like that... Is there any way to view more faster/more because i have no chance to win
There are some players gaining a lot of views over their nighttime...
Unicorn, try opening it in diffrent tabs and watching 26 ads at the same time.
I've tried that but it keeps saying no ads available... Im really starting to think this is an unfair challenge for some players xD
You might be blacklisted try diffrent game modes
Does changing gamemodes really help? It's just the same link for one player on all servers. It might be that the payments are bugging for a player on a specific gamemode, but the add itself will just play.
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