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Apr 6, 2017
Yo guys what's up? I made a post on here a little while back telling my story and sharing my experience on Foxcraft back in the day. I recently hopped on the server to check things out and it looks so different. I have so many memories on this server that wherever I look or go to brings back atleast 1 memory. I remember on factions where there wasn't a world border and people had grinders 1,000,000 blocks out from spawn. I remember everyone camping the PVP zone and the select few that were always pvping. I remember being a Guard when Prison first released and I remember the first prison map in extreme detail. I remember the most powerful faction called Desecrator and the few people who hated desecrator and were OP enough to fight us. I remember the days when there were only four staff ranks: Trial-Staff, Staff, Head-Staff, and Owner. Those were the days when you couldn't apply for staff. You had to be handpicked by @cloakfox. I remember being the dumb kid I was and breaking so many rules and eventually ban evading on another account. I know I got in tons of trouble but Foxcraft will always have a place in my heart and in my memories. When I'm on my death bed and reflecting my life, I will remember all the people I have met and all the fun I have had on this great server.
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Yo guys what's up? I made a post on here a little while back telling my story and sharing my experience on Foxcraft back in the day. I recently hopped on the server to check things out and it looks so different. I have so many memories on this server that wherever I look or go to brings back atleast 1 memory. I remember on factions where there wasn't a world border and people had grinders 1,000,000 blocks out from spawn. I remember everyone camping the PVP zone and the select few that were always pvping. I remember being a Guard when Prison first released and I remember the first prison map in extreme detail. I remember the most powerful faction called Desecrator and the few people who hated desecrator and were OP enough to fight us. I remember the days when there were only four staff ranks: Trial-Staff, Staff, Head-Staff, and Owner. Those were the days when you couldn't apply for staff. You had to be handpicked by @cloakfox. I remember being the dumb kid I was and breaking so many rules and eventually ban evading on another account. I know I got in tons of trouble but Foxcraft will always have a place in my heart and in my memories. When I'm on my death bed and reflecting my life, I will remember all the people I have met and all the fun I have had on this great server.
Howdy there buddy boi
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