Official Resignation

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Mar 30, 2016
Nope, not a April Fool's prank this time.

I'm Resigning from Moderating Foxcraft

As some of you know (Those select few within my friends circle), I have a lot going on with regards to college work and such. Hours of my day every day are taken by college work, me now having a regular schedule of working from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm or even later every weekend and week day. And as this work has been taking its toll on me, I have lost entertainment and the enjoyment I once had with staffing the server and playing Minecraft in general. Thus my resignation is no fault of your own, it's simply my own anxieties and stresses.

To the "haters" I guess, I'll only give you this. I honestly don't care what you believe I was or who I am, because I believe and see that you are no better than me, and others would agree.

I guess now I get to mention those "special specific people", which everyone else does.

Read these if you wish, if you're really so concerned with my relations with others
Let me tag all the special peeps: @Mechz @Avatarking_ @Tqzz @cloakfox @11kobeer @Snaz_ @Yoahi @Dansors @SprinkledDonut
Mechz, MechPotato, Mech, there are too many iterations of your username.
Mech, you have been an incredible help and an extreme pleasure to work with. There were probably at least one or two times that I had misunderstandings or disagreements, but you always made sure to put things right and set things straight - a very mature act for someone of a young age. I used to treat people even the slightest bit younger than me as scum, but you corrected that fault within myself and I have you to thank for that. Your interaction with the community is also a noteworthy thing that you showed me. Before, I felt that staff were alienated from the community, however you were the first to bridge the gap between staff and players, frequently interacting with players over Discord and I'm really touched by how interacting with the community has helped me to meet new people.
There's so much I have to thank you for, I don't show it too often, but I honestly do Mech, Thank you.
Avatar, you've been a lad.
Ever since I joined the Ultimate Discord channel, you were mostly within the calls that I joined, and I hope to continue joining Discord calls with everyone in the future when I get some time. I'm happy that you got staff and thus far, haven't screwed anything up. Better than some who were expected to be better, keep doing what you do.
Oh boy Tazz, don't we go back?
It's been at least over a year of knowing you from back in the days when I played on creative and watched arguements between you and scumbag Danny xD. You've always been supportive and seem to have a strong sense in justice - wanting the best for the server and it's community whether it means complaining about certain members of it or not. Luckily I haven't got that treatment from you as far as I know of, but you share the similar strong desire for correct and just actions to be taken. If you care or keep trying, you could probably get into the staff team, and I hope you would go in there. I mean, I have my strong sense of justice, and that needs to be replaced with someone like minded right?
Cloak, Leon buddy.
In terms of bosses go, you are incredibly laid back. That's a real comfort to me. When first starting to do staffing, I feared you. However eventually, if you agree, we had a mutual friendship and leniency. You completely understood my reasoning for taking time off from staff duties to complete college work, however I believe at this point, it's better to quit while I'm ahead you know? Anyway, I wish the success of Foxcraft for however many years to decide to keep this community going, keep it up!
22Rebook, I always saw you as head staff, even when jayx was within the team, you still stood out as an older and mature member of the team. You've been a great enjoyment to work with, even if we didn't play at similar times, it was a pleasure to work with you.
You came into the team and I was pleased with the decision that Mechz as a community manager made, as well as others who vouched for you. You clearly proved that you were suitable for the staffing role as you quickly climbed to the moderator status and I was joyed to say the least. You've handled certain situations with extreme patience that I may have flipped bricks about. You're a calm staff member, and are keen to keep Foxcraft an enjoyable and fun place for anyone to play. Keep it up!
(PS: Still not getting the Rainbow Hoop)
Yo Owen
You've astounded me. And at first, you angered me with the progress you made. You came into the staff team months after I did, but with quick succession surpassed me in the ranks and made it up within the admin group. You're quick and agile understanding of the Foxcraft rule system is amazing and it's reasonable to say that you have shocked a lot of us with your quick progression. Keep it up, and keep helping the rest of the community and staff out where they need.
Eyyyyyy buddy, where do I begin?
We literally met one day on Skywars and that was about it. It was me, you, and some other random player messing around within skywars games, and that in turn helped me to get into the staff team. You gave me the opportunity to become a staff member even though that only players on creative had heard of my name. And I presume you're somewhat proud of where I've come to? I came and I proved I wasn't going to be like others who would get into being a helper and quickly either drop out or become inactive or do a Peyton, but that's besides the point (Love you Pey).
You've really been a great guy Dansors, and I look forward to speaking to you in the future.
You joined the team, and were always cooperative with the team. Of course, with anyone including myself there would be slip ups, but you were quick to correct yourself and to find a solution to the issue at hand. You also interact with the community regularly. Keep it up buddy!

If I forgot anyone, apologies but I just finished doing a section of work and am writing this late at night. Just tag me in a message and I'll write you something when I can.

I have enjoyed and certainly learnt a lot from being here, and I want to thank those who gave me the chance and opportunity to experiment with the responsibilities and issues that come with staffing the server, and being patient with me where possible. It's been more than a pleasure to work and help each and every one of you. I had many laughs and good times whilst doing what I do.

Of course, I expect the memory of me to fade, as mainly players only really remember the Admins and Moderators if they're good enough, but meh, I can't predict how your memories work.

Any of those who prefer me to other staff members or dislike certain staff members - treat them equally, more so to the newer staff members. You can't make instant assumptions about staff members as soon as they are put in. Calling staff "randoms" is also irrelevant, because I was also a random back then, nobody knew who I was until I got staff and pushed myself onto each server to monitor users and get to know each of you either in-depth or not.

Also, just because I'm not staff now, doesn't mean:
  1. I won't come on
  2. I'll become a toxic player
I know and empathise with the staff members too much to put them through the torture that some ex-staff or players have put them through in terms of harassment and judgments. I want to support where I can, the staff of Foxcraft and it's community. And if any future staff member who knows me needs clarification on any rules, I'm always happy to help even though I am not in the team. I still know the rules, and I redesigned and reformatted the Helper Handbook, which should stay like that for a while.

I also wish each one of you, as cringey as it is, good luck in anything and everything you do from here on out. I'm just going to say from experience you will need it. I predict that by the end of this semester I will have written over 100,000 words in assignments alone. And that is a lot considering the number of assignments I have, some spanning up to and beyond 10,000 words.

So yeah, not sure how to end this so uhhh

Thanks guys, I'll catch you later,

- TotalMM,

Staff of McFoxcraft since Sunday, 14th of August 2016
I didn't count the days I used an online calculator, not that sad
Nooo total my boii was always fun being in calls with going to miss my tutor :( goodluck in the future and feel free to hop in the call when you have some spare time
Papito nuuuu!! Gonna miss you lots and jeez we go far back, firstly getting to know u was fun, I always saw u on creative and then you advertising a club xD so my brain comes alone and starts talkin to u more, we've had so many memories like damn, I remember you getting staff and I was also finding ez mutes and spamming you on discord/Skype. I'm gonna miss pranking you with @Snaz_ (azz'd ;))
Much love total/ papito xD

Good luck with assignments and don't get too dead by doing them, stay in touch too :(
I appreciate the message you left for me and it made my day. I am sorry to see you go, honestly. As soon as I saw your application back when I was moderator I knew you'd be a great staff member and I remember everyone was sh00k because you got a vouch from Leon. You have been a great teammate and a friend. Something I like about you is that you're not afraid to share your opinions and stand up for yourself which has lead to a lot of discussions between us two which I really do appreciate because we don't always agree and that makes me see things from other perspectives. I wish you good luck with your studies and I hope you'll achieve your goals. <3

edit: i liek ur dAnk memes
I appreciate the message you left for me and it made my night. I am sorry to see you go, honestly. As soon as I saw your application back when I was moderator I knew you'd be a great staff member and I remember everyone was sh00k because you got a vouch from Leon. You have been a great teammate and a friend. Something I like with you is that you're not afraid to share your opinions and stand up for yourself which has lead to a lot of discussions between us two which I really do appreciate because we don't always agree and that makes me see things from other perspective. I wish you good luck with your studies and achieve your goals. <3

I'm very much touched by your comments. Within the current circumstances I'm in, you also made my day. So I guess it's an even trade off? xD
You were a great staff member and a great person. I hope college treats you well. Also, stay active on the forum. I will be PMing you HTML/CSS questions CONSTANTLY <3
You were a great staff member and a great person. I hope college treats you well. Also, stay active on the forum. I will be PMing you HTML/CSS questions CONSTANTLY <3
I knew that was coming. Please do, because it'll keep me refreshed as well xD
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Reactions: 11kobeer

I remember back when I was a helper, you were like an idol to me and I remember trying so hard to be able to impress you all so I could too, be a moderator alongside of you. I can't quite find the words to express it right so I'll say it like this, I am so happy I had the chance to work with you. You say "Of course, I expect the memory of me to fade, as mainly players only really remember the Admins and Moderators if they're good enough, but meh," I can assure you we won't forget about you anytime soon, at least I won't. While I can't say we've been the closest of pals, I am grateful for the impact you have had on my life so thank you. I wish you the best of luck in the future with whatever you plan on doing, and especially good luck with school! You better come visit us often <3

Yours truly,

P.S. Git gud kiddo

I remember back when I was a helper, you were like an idol to me and I remember trying so hard to be able to impress you all so I could too, be a moderator alongside of you. I can't quite find the words to express it right so I'll say it like this, I am so happy I had the chance to work with you. You say "Of course, I expect the memory of me to fade, as mainly players only really remember the Admins and Moderators if they're good enough, but meh," I can assure you we won't forget about you anytime soon, at least I won't. While I can't say we've been the closest of pals, I am grateful for the impact you have had on my life so thank you. I wish you the best of luck in the future with whatever you plan on doing, and especially good luck with school! You better come visit us often <3

Yours truly,

P.S. Git gud kiddo​

Your comments are well appreciated. I respect and deeply appreciate you looking up to me, especially since I have to deal with my own capabilities such as my Autism and others.
But don't look to me as an idol, look to me as something to push past. Aim higher than me - you already did by getting Admin. But keep achieving higher. I know that one of my targets for college is to best and surpass my brother in grades so that I might prove myself, and you just do the same Owen.

Also, 1v1 me Roblox my username is "GibeDaP00sy" (Not even lying I scored that name)
Total(Tony)(Papi), Gonna miss ya so much, it just turned into a sad day. ;w; Good luck with school and anything you do in the future. Have fun with your 100,000 word papers! (Don't die). Ya better jump in a discord call every now and then. Such kind words <3

(Still waiting for that rainbow hula hoop)
Total(Tony)(Papi), Gonna miss ya so much, it just turned into a sad day. ;w; Good luck with school and anything you do in the future. Have fun with your 100,000 word papers! (Don't die). Ya better jump in a discord call every now and then. Such kind words <3

(Still waiting for that rainbow hula hoop)

I hope to come out alive after this, thanks for the reassurance
Also, I don't have the money for even a packet of Hola Hoops crisps so no thanks xD
Nope, not a April Fool's prank this time.

I'm Resigning from Moderating Foxcraft

As some of you know (Those select few within my friends circle), I have a lot going on with regards to college work and such. Hours of my day every day are taken by college work, me now having a regular schedule of working from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm or even later every weekend and week day. And as this work has been taking its toll on me, I have lost entertainment and the enjoyment I once had with staffing the server and playing Minecraft in general. Thus my resignation is no fault of your own, it's simply my own anxieties and stresses.

To the "haters" I guess, I'll only give you this. I honestly don't care what you believe I was or who I am, because I believe and see that you are no better than me, and others would agree.

I guess now I get to mention those "special specific people", which everyone else does.

Read these if you wish, if you're really so concerned with my relations with others
Let me tag all the special peeps: @Mechz @Avatarking_ @Tqzz @cloakfox @11kobeer @Snaz_ @Yoahi @Dansors @SprinkledDonut
Mechz, MechPotato, Mech, there are too many iterations of your username.
Mech, you have been an incredible help and an extreme pleasure to work with. There were probably at least one or two times that I had misunderstandings or disagreements, but you always made sure to put things right and set things straight - a very mature act for someone of a young age. I used to treat people even the slightest bit younger than me as scum, but you corrected that fault within myself and I have you to thank for that. Your interaction with the community is also a noteworthy thing that you showed me. Before, I felt that staff were alienated from the community, however you were the first to bridge the gap between staff and players, frequently interacting with players over Discord and I'm really touched by how interacting with the community has helped me to meet new people.
There's so much I have to thank you for, I don't show it too often, but I honestly do Mech, Thank you.
Avatar, you've been a lad.
Ever since I joined the Ultimate Discord channel, you were mostly within the calls that I joined, and I hope to continue joining Discord calls with everyone in the future when I get some time. I'm happy that you got staff and thus far, haven't screwed anything up. Better than some who were expected to be better, keep doing what you do.
Oh boy Tazz, don't we go back?
It's been at least over a year of knowing you from back in the days when I played on creative and watched arguements between you and scumbag Danny xD. You've always been supportive and seem to have a strong sense in justice - wanting the best for the server and it's community whether it means complaining about certain members of it or not. Luckily I haven't got that treatment from you as far as I know of, but you share the similar strong desire for correct and just actions to be taken. If you care or keep trying, you could probably get into the staff team, and I hope you would go in there. I mean, I have my strong sense of justice, and that needs to be replaced with someone like minded right?
Cloak, Leon buddy.
In terms of bosses go, you are incredibly laid back. That's a real comfort to me. When first starting to do staffing, I feared you. However eventually, if you agree, we had a mutual friendship and leniency. You completely understood my reasoning for taking time off from staff duties to complete college work, however I believe at this point, it's better to quit while I'm ahead you know? Anyway, I wish the success of Foxcraft for however many years to decide to keep this community going, keep it up!
22Rebook, I always saw you as head staff, even when jayx was within the team, you still stood out as an older and mature member of the team. You've been a great enjoyment to work with, even if we didn't play at similar times, it was a pleasure to work with you.
You came into the team and I was pleased with the decision that Mechz as a community manager made, as well as others who vouched for you. You clearly proved that you were suitable for the staffing role as you quickly climbed to the moderator status and I was joyed to say the least. You've handled certain situations with extreme patience that I may have flipped bricks about. You're a calm staff member, and are keen to keep Foxcraft an enjoyable and fun place for anyone to play. Keep it up!
(PS: Still not getting the Rainbow Hoop)
Yo Owen
You've astounded me. And at first, you angered me with the progress you made. You came into the staff team months after I did, but with quick succession surpassed me in the ranks and made it up within the admin group. You're quick and agile understanding of the Foxcraft rule system is amazing and it's reasonable to say that you have shocked a lot of us with your quick progression. Keep it up, and keep helping the rest of the community and staff out where they need.
Eyyyyyy buddy, where do I begin?
We literally met one day on Skywars and that was about it. It was me, you, and some other random player messing around within skywars games, and that in turn helped me to get into the staff team. You gave me the opportunity to become a staff member even though that only players on creative had heard of my name. And I presume you're somewhat proud of where I've come to? I came and I proved I wasn't going to be like others who would get into being a helper and quickly either drop out or become inactive or do a Peyton, but that's besides the point (Love you Pey).
You've really been a great guy Dansors, and I look forward to speaking to you in the future.
You joined the team, and were always cooperative with the team. Of course, with anyone including myself there would be slip ups, but you were quick to correct yourself and to find a solution to the issue at hand. You also interact with the community regularly. Keep it up buddy!

If I forgot anyone, apologies but I just finished doing a section of work and am writing this late at night. Just tag me in a message and I'll write you something when I can.

I have enjoyed and certainly learnt a lot from being here, and I want to thank those who gave me the chance and opportunity to experiment with the responsibilities and issues that come with staffing the server, and being patient with me where possible. It's been more than a pleasure to work and help each and every one of you. I had many laughs and good times whilst doing what I do.

Of course, I expect the memory of me to fade, as mainly players only really remember the Admins and Moderators if they're good enough, but meh, I can't predict how your memories work.

Any of those who prefer me to other staff members or dislike certain staff members - treat them equally, more so to the newer staff members. You can't make instant assumptions about staff members as soon as they are put in. Calling staff "randoms" is also irrelevant, because I was also a random back then, nobody knew who I was until I got staff and pushed myself onto each server to monitor users and get to know each of you either in-depth or not.

Also, just because I'm not staff now, doesn't mean:
  1. I won't come on
  2. I'll become a toxic player
I know and empathise with the staff members too much to put them through the torture that some ex-staff or players have put them through in terms of harassment and judgments. I want to support where I can, the staff of Foxcraft and it's community. And if any future staff member who knows me needs clarification on any rules, I'm always happy to help even though I am not in the team. I still know the rules, and I redesigned and reformatted the Helper Handbook, which should stay like that for a while.

I also wish each one of you, as cringey as it is, good luck in anything and everything you do from here on out. I'm just going to say from experience you will need it. I predict that by the end of this semester I will have written over 100,000 words in assignments alone. And that is a lot considering the number of assignments I have, some spanning up to and beyond 10,000 words.

So yeah, not sure how to end this so uhhh

Thanks guys, I'll catch you later,

- TotalMM,

Staff of McFoxcraft since Sunday, 14th of August 2016
I didn't count the days I used an online calculator, not that sad
College is ez scr00b why u complaining jajaja. Still talk to you on discord every once in a while so I won't miss you hahaha no hard feelings fam, you and me need a streak btw
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