I saw someone did the first phase a long while back but never updated it. Here is what I have. I've only included the chest items as the standard blocks are pretty obvious based on the phase. I am sure I missed some thngs so if you want to reply with missed mobs or items, please do and I will add them. 
Phase 1: Plains (750 Blocks)
Mob Spawns:

Possible Chest Items:
Phase 2: Underground (1500 Blocks)
Completion Reward:
Mob Spawns:

Possible Chest Items:
Phase 3: Winter (750 Blocks)
Mob Spawns:

Phase 4: Ocean (1000 Blocks)
Completion Reward:
Possible Chest Items:
Phase 5: Jungle (1000 Blocks)
Mob Spawns:

Possible Chest Items:
Phase 6: Swamp (1000 Blocks)
Mob Spawns:

Possible Chest Items:
Phase 7: Dungeon (500 Blocks)
Mob Spawns:

Possible Chest Items:
Phase 8: Lush Caves (500 Blocks)
Mob Spawns:

Possible Chest Items:
Phase 9: Desert (500)
Mob Spawns:

Possible Chest Items:
Phase 10: Nether (1000 Blocks)
Mob Spawns:

Possible Chest Items:
Phase 11: Plenty (1000 Blocks)
Mob Spawns:

Possible Chest Items:
Phase 12: Desolation (1000 Blocks)
Mob Spawns:

Possible Chest Items:
Phase 13: The End (500 Blocks)
Completion Reward:
Mob Spawns:

Possible Chest Items:

Phase 1: Plains (750 Blocks)
Mob Spawns:

- Chicken
- Cow
- Pig
- Spider
- Villager
Possible Chest Items:
- Allium
- Apple
- Beetroot Seeds
- Bottle o' Enchanting
- Composter
- Dandelion
- Emerald
- Enchanted Book – Feather Falling I
- Enchanted Book – Fire Protection I
- Enchanted Book – Protection I
- Feather
- Ladder
- Lapis Lazuli
- Lead
- Leather
- Lilac
- Lily of the Valley
- Music Disc – C418 – strad
- Oak Fence
- Oak Fence Gate
- Oxeye Daisy
- Peony
- Pink Tulip
- Poppy
- Red Tulip
- Sugar Cane
- Sunflower
- Water Bucket
Phase 2: Underground (1500 Blocks)
Completion Reward:
- Obsidian x2
Mob Spawns:

- Bat
- Cave Spider
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Skeleton
- Zombie
Possible Chest Items:
- Arrow
- Bone
- Bone Block
- Bottle o' Enchanting
- Bow
- Brown Mushroom
- Chainmail Chestplate
- Creeper Head
- Emerald
- Enchanted Book – Projectile Protection II
- Enchanted Book – Sharpness I
- Enchanted Book – Smite II
- Gunpowder
- Iron Ingot
- Iron Trapdoor
- Lantern
- Minecart with Chest
- Oak Fence
- Rail
- Red Mushroom
- Shield
- Torch
- Water Bucket
Phase 3: Winter (750 Blocks)
Mob Spawns:

- Cow
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Rabbit
- Skeleton
- Snow Golem
- Spider
- Stray
- Wolf
- Zombie
- Bottle o' Enchanting
- Chainmail Boots
- Chainmail Chestplate
- Chainmail Helmet
- Chainmail Leggings
- Charcoal
- Cyan Bed
- Emerald
- Enchanted Book - Mending
- Enchanted Book - Piercing II
- Grindstone
- Iron Ingot
Phase 4: Ocean (1000 Blocks)
Completion Reward:
- Crab Bait – Pyro Fishing Augment
- Dolphin
- Drowned
- Fish
- Glowing Squid
- Turtle
Possible Chest Items:
- Acacia Boat
- Birch Boat
- Book
- Bottle o' Enchanting
- Bowl
- Bucket of Cod
- Bucket of Pufferfish
- Bucket of Tropical Fish
- Chiseled Red Sandstone
- Chiseled Sandstone
- Dried Kelp Block
- Emerald
- Enchanted Book - Fortune II
- Enchanted Book - Frost Walker I
- Enchanted Book - Respiration II
- Fishing Rod
- Heart of the Sea
- Iron Ingot
- Lily Pad
- Moss Block
- Moss Carpet
- Music Disc – C418 – chirp
- Nautilus Shell
- Oak Trapdoor
- Sea Lantern
- Sea Pickle
- Seagrass
- Small Dripleaf
Phase 5: Jungle (1000 Blocks)
Mob Spawns:

- Chicken
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Ocelot
- Panda
- Parrot
- Skeleton
- Witch
- Zombie
Possible Chest Items:
- Bamboo
- Bottle o' Enchanting
- Brown Mushroom
- Carrot
- Carved Pumpkin
- Cocoa Beans
- Egg
- Emerald
- Enchanted Book – Feather Falling I
- Enchanted Book – Smite II
- Enchanted Book – Thorns II
- Jungle Fence
- Jungle Sapling
- Lime Dye
- Melon Slice
- Potion of Regeneration (22 sec)
- Potion of Weakness (4 min)
- Scaffolding
- Stone Bricks
- Vines
Phase 6: Swamp (1000 Blocks)
Mob Spawns:

- Cat
- Chicken
- Phantom
- Skeleton
- Slime (all 3 sizes)
- Villager
- Witch
- Zombie
Possible Chest Items:
- Blue Bed
- Blue Orchid
- Brown Mushroom Block
- Enchanted Book – Knockback II
- Enchanted Book – Sharpness V
- Enchanted Book – Unbreaking II
- Enchantment Table
- Lily Pad
- Mushroom Stew
- Oak Boat
- Oak Leaves
- Red Mushroom Block
- Slimeball
- Vines
- Water Bucket
Phase 7: Dungeon (500 Blocks)
Mob Spawns:

- Bat
- Cave Spider
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Slime
- Zombie
Possible Chest Items:
- Anvil
- Armor Stand
- Blast Furnace
- Bone
- Bottle o' Enchanting
- Brewing Stand
- Campfire
- Cauldron
- Clock
- Enchanting Table
- Flint and Steel
- Minecart
- Name Tag
- Oak Fence
- Oak Planks
- Piston
- Shield
- Skeleton Skull
Phase 8: Lush Caves (500 Blocks)
Mob Spawns:

- Bat
- Creeper
- Skeleton
- Zombie
Possible Chest Items:
- No chests spawn during this phase.
Phase 9: Desert (500)
Mob Spawns:

- Enderman
- Goat
- Husk
- Rabbit
- Skeleton
- Spider
- Zombie
Possible Chest Items:
- Cactus
- Carrot on a Stick
- Cartography Table
- Dead Bush
- Detector Rail
- Enchanted Book - Fire Aspect II
- Enchanted Book - Fire Protection III
- Enchanted Book - Sharpness I
- Enchanted Book - Silk Touch
- Enchanted Book – Thorns I
- Enchanted Book – Thorns II
- Feather
- Flower Pot
- Music Disc – C418 – mellohi
Phase 10: Nether (1000 Blocks)
Mob Spawns:

- Blaze
- Hoglin
- Magma Cube
- Piglin
- Ravager
- Strider
- Zombie Pigman
Possible Chest Items:
- Blaze Rod
- Bottle o' Enchanting
- Ghast Tear
- Glowstone Dust
- Gold Horse Armor
- Iron Horse Armor
- Leather Horse Armor
- Magma Block
- Music Disc - C418 - stal
- Name Tag
- Nether Quartz
- Nether Star
- Nether Wart
- Netherrack
- Obsidian
- Saddle
- Soul Sand
- Spectral Arrow
Phase 11: Plenty (1000 Blocks)
Mob Spawns:

- Bee
- Cat
- Chicken
- Cow
- Fox
- Horse
- Llama
- Mule
- Pig
- Rabbit
- Sheep
Possible Chest Items:
- Azure Bluet
- Barrel
- Bell
- Bookshelf
- Cake
- Compass
- Cooked Chicken
- Cooked Cod
- Cooked Mutton
- Cooked Porkchop
- Cooked Rabbit
- Cooked Salmon
- Cookie
- Emerald
- Enchanted Book - Efficiency II
- Enchanted Book - Looting III
- Enchanted Book - Unbreaking III
- Honey Bottle
- Jake o'Lantern
- Jukebox
- Lectern
- Music Disc – C418 – strad
- Note Block
- Orange Tulip
- Rose Bush
Phase 12: Desolation (1000 Blocks)
Mob Spawns:

- Cave Spider
- Creeper
- Enderman
- Endermite
- Evoker
- Ox
- Raider
- Skeleton
- Stray
- Vex
- Wither Skeleton
- Zombie Horse
Possible Chest Items:
- Banner Pattern - Globe
- Banner Pattern - Thing
- Black Carpet
- Blast Furnace
- Wither Rose
Phase 13: The End (500 Blocks)
Completion Reward:
- 1 Prestige Point
- 1 Pinata Key
- +5 Island Size (max 500)
Mob Spawns:

- Enderman
- Shulker
Possible Chest Items:
- Banner Pattern – Creeper Charge
- Banner Pattern – Skull Charge
- Chorus Fruit
- Chorus Plant
- Elytra
- Enchanted Book – Projectile Protection IV
- Enchanted Book – Sweeping Edge III
- End Crystal
- End Rod
- End Stone
- End Stone Bricks
- Ender Pearl
- Music Disc – C418 - ward
- Obsidian
- Popped Chorus Fruit
- Potion of Leaping (3 min)
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