Noticed creative forums is dead, i brake the silence

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Jul 13, 2016
creative is dying a horrible death. 70% of the people joining are perverts advertisers and just mean people that only log in to complain and cause fights. i'v seen some players get muted over 5 times in just 1 day, not to mention every day before that . how are they not Permanently muted. guess being racist that many times in a week isn't offensive enough , yet it causes people to complain and leave. we need less people being mean to others for no apparent reason.

not to mention creative is full of teachers pets. the Second they even smell a staff they stop being mean and become one of those innocent players that Did absolutely nothing to cause the kid currently raging to get muted.

And if u feel like u have to comment something here trying to be funny , offensive then u must be one i talk about.
If you're calling creative dead? Look at the whole server. All the gamemodes are dead. They need to bring a cool, fun, and challenging gamemode. I suggest HardCore Factions but that's only my opinion.
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