@Mechz i got on and typed /staff to see this:
now there is no problem apart from the fact there is enough staff members on to moderate the almost whole server, except they are /sglacier ,/creative and /anarchy and i haven't seen one of these "New Staff Members" on /svulcan, /skywars, /kitpvp, Factions Cove or /factions magma as their main or favorite server its all /sglacier, /creative and /anarchy.
So i'm pointing out next time chose players who play things other then Anarchy, Glacier and Creative because there is already have enough staff members there....
Thanks - @LightsDarkness
NOTES: I did not intend this as a insult or any other aggressive behavior, just a problem I saw that should of not of happened if they just accepted someone who plays different game modes such as Svulcan/Creative and/or Anarchy, but i thought this needed to be addressed.

now there is no problem apart from the fact there is enough staff members on to moderate the almost whole server, except they are /sglacier ,/creative and /anarchy and i haven't seen one of these "New Staff Members" on /svulcan, /skywars, /kitpvp, Factions Cove or /factions magma as their main or favorite server its all /sglacier, /creative and /anarchy.
So i'm pointing out next time chose players who play things other then Anarchy, Glacier and Creative because there is already have enough staff members there....
Thanks - @LightsDarkness
NOTES: I did not intend this as a insult or any other aggressive behavior, just a problem I saw that should of not of happened if they just accepted someone who plays different game modes such as Svulcan/Creative and/or Anarchy, but i thought this needed to be addressed.
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