Not given my rank

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New Member
Oct 14, 2023
Someone purchased FoxGod for me awhile ago but I haven’t received my rank. I was told they have been in contact with Cloak or one of the helpers multiple times but nothing has been fixed. I have not received my rank and they haven’t been refunded, either.
The following day I was told they had purchased me the rank, 1_something_1 (might also be known as KingDuck) spent $100CAD on purchasing me FoxGod. The transaction went through. Not only did it go through his card, it went through the previous purchaser’s card as well. I have still not received my rank. They have not been given refunds for this issue and I’m getting upset. People lost their money and Cloak hasn’t done anything about it. Cloak (or a helper that can deal with money stuff), please contact me on Discord so we can have a private conversation

- FearJuno
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