Not cool

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Since my last one got deleted for inapropriate language here's one without it.
Right so a friend of mine called _Super_Hans_ is supposed to be muted permanently for calling someone an orphan like what the hell, the staff on this server are favouring, he gets punished with a perm mute whilst the kid who discriminated religions by repeatedly calling me a jew in an insulting way gets away with it, I don't know what the hell is going on, but this is wrong not to mention the amount of false mutes he got. I quote @11kobeer on exactly what he said during _Super_Hans_ mute appeal from him "do something against the rules and ban/mute" but hurting some kid's feelings is perm mute? Since when? The rules are becoming too sensitive for something we call the internet
but how is calling someone an orphan a perm mute? They said "continuous harassment" whilst I get called a jew, she being racist by saying jews have big noses, and all her friends telling me to "stfu" if you ask me that's more harassment then what he did, you staff need to sort this out because at the moment if **** keeps going like this, the staff system is seriously going to broken like all the toxic helpers who got accepted is beyond me.
TheEmpire HAS FALLEN !!!!! The dark side of the force is over!!!! All hail the REBELS
Well, I would definitely support Ksmudger on this. If there was actually evidence... But also, I don't believe that calling someone an "orphan" is necessarily perm mute worthy, yes it's immature and hurtful, but a 1 hour mute would have done just fine and taught _Super_Hans_ a lesson imo.
Well I think everyone knows the staff system and team is very much broke and **** they all just try to get each other demoted to make themselves look better and be promoted (like danny did) and lets be honest inside the staff team itself promotion is given based on popularity as is punishment for both staff and player.

Also why can't all you people in the comments just calm down you wouldn't like it if he did it to you if you got banned so don't do it to him your acting like 5 year olds.
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Well, I would definitely support Ksmudger on this. If there was actually evidence... But also, I don't believe that calling someone an "orphan" is necessarily perm mute worthy, yes it's immature and hurtful, but a 1 hour mute would have done just fine and taught _Super_Hans_ a lesson imo.
He wasn't just calling me a orphan,he was insulting me
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