Not being able to afk

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New Member
Mar 21, 2022
Hey, so I was afk on a horse while travelling on the nether roof and a mod stopped me and told me that being afk is not allowed because I'm supposed to be able to answer anytime also took my horse xd. My main question here is "is this written anywhere in the rules?" Because I went through them a few times and I haven't seen anything like that.
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AFKing is allowed to my knowledge, but maybe it's a donators only thing(?). A lot of players AFK in their base with miners, and other farms so it wouldn't make any sense to disallow it.
Maybe yeah tho I have the rabbit rank, it would be weird because my alt account was afk for a few hours, I also don't use any programs to press my W button but a small bottle of perfume.
Hello, this is one of our newer rules. You are not allowed to sit AFK on a horse while travelling.

The reason why this is not allowed is because players use this to get somewhere else in the map quickly without being active (AFK).
However It is allowed to stand afk normally, for example next to your farms, in your base, at spawn, ...

I hope this helps you further.
No not really, it's slower than sprinting and a bit faster than walking. And no need to be mad, you can't really go fast in it iirc it's around 20k blocks per hour or less but a horse is around 40K per hour
No not really, it's slower than sprinting and a bit faster than walking. And no need to be mad, you can't really go fast in it iirc it's around 20k blocks per hour or less but a horse is around 40K per hour
Elytra ez
Well yeah but I can't elytra for a few hours straight. Would be too annoying tbh, plus the fact that I need to change elytras every given time. While a flying machine would save me time!
Hello, this is one of our newer rules. You are not allowed to sit AFK on a horse while travelling.

The reason why this is not allowed is because players use this to get somewhere else in the map quickly without being active (AFK).
However It is allowed to stand afk normally, for example next to your farms, in your base, at spawn, ...

I hope this helps you further.
Maybe they should update the rules on the forums but they dont do it how are we supposed to know the right rules? Cuz a lot of players are getting punishments without knowning what there fault is.
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