New staff members

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Mar 7, 2016
Hello everyone!

Quick announcement to let everybody know that the helper apps have closed and we have carefully selected 7 new helpers to moderate chat and catch hackers!


I would like to wish them goodluck ;)

For everybody that got denied this round, please do not take it to personal. When there are so many good apps it's really hard to pick good helpers. When picking we take into account your previous actions on this server (bans, mutes, warns). But also how you talk to other players ingame for example.

Anyway @Mechz and I have replied to every single app that got denied with an appriopriate response on what was lacking.

Big thanks to @Mechz and the rest of the admins/mods for helping me decide.

Thanks for reading,

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Best surprise that I've ever gotten coming home from school. Thanks to the Foxcraft team for accepting me.
Worst fuccing batch of helpers I've ever seen. Maybe it's because all the smart players left and have enough brain cells to see how much this servers dropped in the toilet. Also why did you delete my last comment. You get offended because it's true? ;$
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