New /skills on Skyblock [GUIDE/WIKI]

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Nov 18, 2016
Short intro
This is a guide/explanation to the new /skills system on the new skyblock gamemode (released 12/17/2021). Since the gamemode has no in-game wiki or any other side info explaning this part of the new skyblock experience I have decided to write this thread explaining the basics of it. All info found in this thead was found in either code in the plugin for /skills or info on the plugin page from the developer of the plugin. Feel free to contact me if you have any other questions or don't understand anything written here.

9 Basic Skills
The new skyblock introduces a new concept on the Foxcraft server. Almost any gamemode on Foxcraft for the past couple years has used mcmmo to add an rpg element to the player experience. The new skyblock does not use mcmmo, the new skyblock uses skills to add this rpg element. /skills is a command which shows you what your progress is in levelling the nine basic skills. These nine skills enhance your character experience and make you, the player more powerfull by granting bonusses and stats. The stats you gain from levelling your basic skills gives your character different boosts like dealing more damage, picking up more xp, etc. Progression is earned through farming and working on levelling these skills.

Here is a summary of the 9 basic skills and how to level them:
  • Mining: Break blocks to earn Mining XP
  • Combat: Kill mobs to earn Combat XP
  • Enchanting: Enchant items to earn Enchanting XP
  • Farming: Harvest crops to earn Farming XP
  • Woodcutting: Cut down trees to earn Woodcutting XP
  • Fishing: Fish to earn Fishing XP
  • Alchemy: Brew potions to earn Alchemy XP
  • Armory: Take damage to earn Armory XP
  • Exploration: Move to earn Exploration XP
Each basic skill can be maxed until level 50 (very hard). Each time you level up it takes more xp to reach the next level.
Here is a list of all the levels and howmuch xp you need for each level: (xp resets on level-up)

levels 1-10: 50xp -> 125xp -> 200xp -> 300xp -> 500xp -> 750xp -> 1000xp -> 1500 -> 2000 -> 3500
levels 11-20: 5000xp -> 7500xp -> 10 000xp -> 15 000xp -> 20 000xp -> 30 000xp -> 50 000xp -> 75 000xp-> 100 000xp -> 200 000xp
levels 21-30: 300 000xp -> 400 000xp -> 500 000xp -> 600 000xp -> 700 000xp -> 800 000xp -> 900 000xp -> 1 000 000xp -> 1 100 000xp -> 1 200 000xp
levels 31-40: 1 300 000xp -> 1 400 000xp -> 1 500 000xp -> 1 600 000xp -> 1 700 000xp -> 1 800 000xp -> 1 900 000 -> 2 000 000xp -> 2 100 000xp -> 2 200 000xp
levels 41-50: 2 300 000xp -> 2 400 000xp -> 2 500 000xp -> 2 600 000 -> 2 750 000xp -> 2 900 000xp -> 3 100 000xp -> 3 400 000xp -> 3 700 000xp -> 4 000 000xp

7 Player Stats
  • Defense: percent-less-damage-per-level: +0.25%, 100% halves the incoming damage (max Defendse = 300 DEF)
  • Strenght: percent-more-damage-per-level: +0.25%, 100% is double damage (max Strenght = 200 STR)
  • Crit Chance: chance-per-level: +1%, nothing happens above 100%, 200% is the same as it. (max Crit Chance = 200 CRIT C)
  • Crit damage: base-percent-more: 50%, The amount more damage to deal on crits by default. percent-more-damage-per-level: +0.5% (max Crit Damage = 150 Crit D)
  • Speed: percent-faster-per-level: +1% (max SPEED = 100)
  • Wisdom: percent-more-xp-gain-per-level: +1% (max WIS = 250)
  • Ferocity: chance-per-level: +0.5%, The percent chance to deal damage twice .
Basic Skills add levels to these player stats, the higher your skill level, the higher your Stats level is.
Here is a summary of what Skill adds to what stat:

  • Mining -> +2 Defense (lvl 1-50) and +1 Ferocity (lvl 15-50)
  • Combat -> +2 Strenght (lvl 1-50) and +1 Ferocity (lvl 1-9 and lvl 15-50)
  • Enchanting -> +2 Wisdom (lvl 1 50) and +1 Crit Chance (lvl 1-50)
  • Farming -> +2 Crit Damage (lvl 1-50) and +1 Wisdom (lvl 1-50)
  • Woodcutting -> +2 Strenght (lvl 1-50) and +1 Crit Damage (lvl 1-50)
  • Fishing -> +2 Defense (lvl 1-50) and +1 Wisdom (lvl 1-50)
  • Alchemy -> +2 Crit Chance (lvl 1-50) and +1 Wisdom (lvl 1-50)
  • Armory -> +2 Defense (lvl 1-50) and +1 Speed (lvl 1-50)
  • Exploration -> +2 Speed (lvl 1-50) and +1 Crit Chance (lvl 1-50)

Each skill also contains a level progression tree, each level you gain within the tree grants you either stats and bonusses or just stats. A bit more about these stats in a bit. The progression tree also contains effects, these effects enhance the player and have a chance to occur.

A list with all the bonusses per skill:


Versatile Tools
Increases damage dealt by pickaxes
percent-more-per-level: +8%

Chance to get extra drops from ores
chance-per-level: +8%

Dynamic Mining
Chance to get a short burst of Haste III while mining
chance-per-level: +0.1%


Serrated Strikes
Increases chance to cause your opponent to bleed, damaging them repeatedly
chance-per-level: +2%


Chance to give your opponent nausea
chance-per-level: +1.5%

Strong Impact

Small chance to deal 3x damage
chance-per-level: +0.2%


Chance to remove your opponents invulnerability frame
chance-per-level: +3%


Second Chance

Chance to instantly fix items on low durability (chance to fix at 30 durability)
chance-per-level: +0.1%

Chance to get given back xp levels after enchanting an item
chance-per-level: +0.5%


Chance to get given back lapis after enchanting
chance-per-level: +0.75%


Bountiful Harvest

Increases chance to get extra drops from farming
chance-per-level: +8%


Decreases the rate at which you lose hunger
percent-less-hunger-per-level: +2%

Golden Yield

Increases the chance to get 5x drops from farming
chance-per-level: +0.3%



Take less durability damage on axes
percent-less-per-level: +2%

Master Lumberjack

Increases chance to get extra drops from trees
chance-per-level: +6%


Eye of the Depths

Increases chance to get rare loot from fishing
chance-per-level: +0.1%

Magnetic Rod

Increases fishing speed
speed-per-level: +5%



Brewed potions last longer
percent-more-per-level: +4%

Efficient Brewing

Decreases the time taken to brew potions
ticks-less-per-level: 6 (default is 200 ticks, 10 seconds)

Mystic Resilience

Increases the chance to ignore negative potion effects
chance-per-level: +0.10%


Increases the speed at which you regain health
percent-faster-per-level: +4%

Infernal Resistance

Chance to ignore fire damage
chance-per-level: +2%


Take less damage from bosses
percent-less-per-level: +1.5%


Seamless Movement

Increases chance to ignore fall damage
chance-per-level: +2%

Increases chance to ignore incoming damage
chance-per-level: +0.5%

Accelerated Escape
Go faster after taking damage
percent-faster-per-level: +4%

Hope this was helpful, have fun on the new skyblock.

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That's my tutor kid

Each skill also contains a level progression tree, each level you gain within the tree grants you either stats and bonusses or just stats. A bit more about these stats in a bit. The progression tree also contains effects, these effects enhance the player and have a chance to occur.

A list with all the bonusses per skill:


Versatile Tools
Increases damage dealt by pickaxes
percent-more-per-level: +8%

Chance to get extra drops from ores
chance-per-level: +8%

Dynamic Mining
Chance to get a short burst of Haste III while mining
chance-per-level: +0.1%


Serrated Strikes
Increases chance to cause your opponent to bleed, damaging them repeatedly
chance-per-level: +2%


Chance to give your opponent nausea
chance-per-level: +1.5%

Strong Impact

Small chance to deal 3x damage
chance-per-level: +0.2%


Chance to remove your opponents invulnerability frame
chance-per-level: +3%


Second Chance
Chance to instantly fix items on low durability (chance to fix at 30 durability)
chance-per-level: +0.1%

Chance to get given back xp levels after enchanting an item
chance-per-level: +0.5%

Chance to get given back lapis after enchanting
chance-per-level: +0.75%


Bountiful Harvest
Increases chance to get extra drops from farming
chance-per-level: +8%


Decreases the rate at which you lose hunger
percent-less-hunger-per-level: +2%

Golden Yield

Increases the chance to get 5x drops from farming
chance-per-level: +0.3%


Take less durability damage on axes
percent-less-per-level: +2%

Master Lumberjack
Increases chance to get extra drops from trees
chance-per-level: +6%


Eye of the Depths
Increases chance to get rare loot from fishing
chance-per-level: +0.1%

Magnetic Rod

Increases fishing speed
speed-per-level: +5%


Brewed potions last longer
percent-more-per-level: +4%

Efficient Brewing

Decreases the time taken to brew potions
ticks-less-per-level: 6 (default is 200 ticks, 10 seconds)

Mystic Resilience

Increases the chance to ignore negative potion effects
chance-per-level: +0.10%


Increases the speed at which you regain health
percent-faster-per-level: +4%

Infernal Resistance

Chance to ignore fire damage
chance-per-level: +2%


Take less damage from bosses
percent-less-per-level: +1.5%


Seamless Movement
Increases chance to ignore fall damage
chance-per-level: +2%

Increases chance to ignore incoming damage
chance-per-level: +0.5%

Accelerated Escape
Go faster after taking damage
percent-faster-per-level: +4%

Hope this was helpful, have fun on the new skyblock.

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