New Manager

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Welcome my bud
How to format post response:
"Hello new manager
Fix (server related issue)/Read (appeal or report of some sort)
K thanks"
I think that's pretty accurate.
I hope , iBrady you will be a good Manager and you will listen to the players suggestions. ~~King of Vlanderpoland [part of Empire] Ik hoop , iBrady dat jij zal een goede manager zijn en jij zal luisteren naar speler suggesties ~~ Koning van Vlaanderpolen [ stuk van Empire ]
Hello Foxcrafters!

First of all, I would like to introduce myself.

My name is Brady, I am 19 years old and I live in The Netherlands.
You can find me Ingame under the name 'iBrady'. In my spare time I like to listen to music, hang out with friends and working on IT related work.

Today I'm here to announce that I will be the new Manager of Foxcraft. Meaning that I will be working with Bug Reports, Server Suggestions, Hosting Events, Ingame Improvements and many more!

Any changes can be found at the Changelogs section.

Thank you for reading!

Welcome i hope you can fix alot of buggs and glitches Goodluck:D
Welcome Brady! I hope you enjoy your time here on Foxcraft and I can't wait to see in the future reference of what you will be producing with other specific things! :)
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