New Introduction

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Known Member
Mar 7, 2016
Hello Foxcraft members! You may know me, my name is Serity!

I just felt like I should post my new introduction on the new forums.

- I'm a Canadian Youtuber who happens to love bacon.
- I'm a long time player, and ex helper on Foxcraft!
- That's it for now! If you want to play with me ingame, I'm normally on kitpvp or skywars!
- I'm a Sr Foxcraft player, seeing as I joined in 2014!

That's all for now! I will edit this thread in the future!
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Hello Foxcraft members! You may know me, my name is Serity!

I just felt like I should post my new introduction on the new forums.

- I'm a Canadian Youtuber who happens to love bacon.
- I'm a long time player, and ex helper on Foxcraft!
- That's it for now! If you want to play with me ingame, I'm normally on kitpvp or skywars!
What's your youtube? I'm surprised i haven't seen any of your videos yet!
When I read new introduction, for some reason I thought you meant you were new <3
Hello Foxcraft members! You may know me, my name is Serity!

I just felt like I should post my new introduction on the new forums.

- I'm a Canadian Youtuber who happens to love bacon.
- I'm a long time player, and ex helper on Foxcraft!
- That's it for now! If you want to play with me ingame, I'm normally on kitpvp or skywars!
- I'm a Sr Foxcraft player, seeing as I joined in 2014!

That's all for now! I will edit this thread in the future!
Welcome back to the new forums.

I wonder why you became an ex-helper....

Hopefully, when you record, you catch good footage of me playing skywars. :P
Man, I knew we were connected somehow. It's that bacon. Bacon is life.
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