We are not writing essays buddy boy. Go save your essays for English class.New Love this idea, it actually provides a proper place for my little team/faction I had going on Survival. I won't be quitting Survival entirely because I still have large projects and stuff I'm having fun with but I'll definitely be coming to check this out and bring my members too!
My suggestions:
- Make it 1.12 with 1.12 pvp.
- No /shop this is too overpowered, and you said you wanted it to be vanilla-ish.
- Put the spawn in a simple biome like plains and make a pvp area with just flat glass, with maybe some towers for combat. With glowstone marking the pvp zone with enderchests.
- Have no world border if you have to have one make it large (I heard you said it'd be better for a profession Assassin, but there's still other professions and we need to keep land fresh for new players to collect resources in and build their kingdoms) also I'd want it to never reset, I and others don't want to have to re-build all their work. When you can move the spawn location.
- Make it so the abilities you can level up from professions is maxed out relatively low, so people can't get triple rows of hearts and one hit p4 players.
- Make it so Veteran players have like 15 home sets, when regular members have like 5 (many of my friends and players I've asked do not want to re-buy ranks, so quit as they only have one sethome, make it so it's not just pay to win)
- Veteran players have larger amounts enderchest slots.
- Veterans get /nick and /chat.
- Don't add kits, it completely destroys early game.
- Have no /wild, make it so it's actually a challenge to run off and try to get resources before others, that way they'll be early kingdom fighting action that'll draw in attention and make people actually stick with the gamemode, Anarchy and Hardcore died off because it didn't have enough action.
- Make it so everyone has to build a beginner castle but build on to it, so people don't just hide all their gear with no castles to siege/pvp.
- In general just try to keep it vanilla.
Essays like that would need to be larger to be in my English classes, and wouldn't even be possible to get a high-grade with it (at least the one I wrote) stop going out of your way to try turn peaceful announcements into flame wars. If you want to continue it though, PM me.We are not writing essays buddy boy. Go save your essays for English class.
No, it's not long at all. It just means you cannot spam click like 1.8 pvp, also axes do more damage and strength 2, notch apples and sharpness were nerfed.If I'm right, 1.12 pvp is when there is a huge delay, and you literally can't fight? Rest sounds cool though, can't wait to play it :>
But you still have a time limit for hits, which sucksNo, it's not long at all. It just means you cannot spam click like 1.8 pvp, also axes do more damage and strength 2, notch apples and sharpness were nerfed.
No clients work with that type of combat, it's more even for people who don't have mouses or pcs worthy of spam clicking.But you still have a time limit for hits, which sucks
Man do I love me some towny.Isn't this similar to 'Towny' on different servers.. Also nice updateee![]()
All strength potions were nerfed. xDNo, it's not long at all. It just means you cannot spam click like 1.8 pvp, also axes do more damage and strength 2, notch apples and sharpness were nerfed.
lol you have a negative IQ. It's a joke, you should know one considering that's what you are. I could have a full meme page of you because of the toxic little **** you are before applications. " take this into a PM" my ***. I don't give 2 fucks about what you say.New Essays like that would need to be larger to be in my English classes, and wouldn't even be possible to get a high-grade with it (at least the one I wrote) stop going out of your way to try turn peaceful announcements into flame wars. If you want to continue it though, PM me.
I've already been looking at castle designs for defending and stuff, can't wait to build a huge fortress!
Hardcore zal van het Foxcraft netwerk verdwijnen echter kun je nog altijd hardcore spelen via hc.midnan.com!Hello cloakfox, i need to speak to you (im dutch btw, so i send you a message in dutch)
Beste cloakfox, ik heb erg hard gewerkt op de hardcore server en ga nu alles kwijtraken.
Dit is nogal jammer, is er een regeling wat betreft kingdoms?
Zo ja, kun je dan contact met mij opnemen via skype ?
Zo niet, dan graag ook even contact via skype ?
(skype: naichelheader)
Met vriendelijke groet,
Nathan (naichelheader in game)
ps het is nogal belangrijk en dringend, dut zal een volwassen meeting worden ben zelf namelijk 18+
Nobody uses strength 1 lol.All strength potions were nerfed. xD
Noobs do.
Hardcore zal van het Foxcraft netwerk verdwijnen echter kun je nog altijd hardcore spelen via hc.midnan.com!
De meeste staff zijn Engels. Nederlands tegen hen praten heeft dus idd ook geen zin.Dit was mij al bekend, ik zal het duidelijker maken.
Ik heb de afgelopen week contact gezocht met verschillende admins/helpers op de Foxcraft server.
Tijdens het stellen van vragen en na het stellen van vragen kreeg ik geen antwoord hierop, ik kreeg alleen gesprekken te zien van hun die voornamelijk leken op "troll" (hier ben ik duidelijk niet van gediend).
Ik heb geld geïnvesteerd in uw server en zou graag waar voor mijn geld krijgen, ik neem aan dat u dit begrijpt.
Dat de hardcore vervangen word voor een Kingdom server vind ik ook niet erg, dit is namelijk een mooi concept waar ik graag verder mee wil gaan.
Ik heb alleen een aantal vragen.
1. Hoe is het geregeld met het opstarten van een koninkrijk?
2. Kan ik een taak krijgen binnen dit gedeelte van de server? (hiermee wil ik ervoor zorgen dat mensen de ultieme spel ervaring krijgen en ook echt hulp waar nodig)
3. Wat gebeurd er met mijn rank en wat krijg ik ervoor terug op de Kingdom?
4. Wat is uw doel van de Kingdom? (hoe wil u dat het opgestart word en wordt gespeeld)
5. Krijgen we een concept als David Harms (beter bekend als DusDavidGames), zo niet hoe dan wel?
Ik hoop dat deze vragen beantwoord zullen worden en dat ik u kan helpen de server te verbeteren.
Ook zal ik van me laten horen als ik mijn geivesteerde geld terug zou willen krijgen i.v.m. het letterlijk oplichten van iemand (ik hoop dat we niet tot zover hoeven te komen). Een regeling binnen de Kingdom server (zowel rank als andere aankopen), zal ik in de gaten houden.
Hiermee heb ik u op de hoogte gebracht, en vanaf nu zal ik wachten op uw antwoord.
Met vriendelijke groet,
Nathan (naichelheader)