What did you do for your Mother today?

  • Make her a card.

  • Say "Happy Mothers Day!"

  • Hugs & Kisses

  • Other

  • Hugs and Kisses

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Mar 7, 2016
Happy Mothers day to all the Mothers in the world and if you haven't yet make your mom happy with a gift or just a simple "happy mothers day :))

Also what have you guys done for your mother today? Let me know in the comments! :D

What I made was an coupon book for chores! So after I do my chores my mom can choose a extra chore from the coupon book and I got to do the chore.
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We saw a movie (Captain America <3), and now going to a brunch.
I'm going to captain america civil war with her, even tho it came out earlier, and i bought her a present
I'm going to captain america civil war with her, even tho it came out earlier, and i bought her a present
That's great :)
[doublepost=1462729295,1462729264][/doublepost]Sorry I forgot to say this in the thread so I will just comment it.
What I made was an coupon book for chores! So after I do my chores my mom can choose a extra chore from the coupon book and I got to do the chore.
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I took my mum to a restaurant called The Roof, then I took her to the store and let hey buy what she wanted. Then tomorrow we are seeing Ca: Civil War.
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