Moss farm

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Known Member
Apr 29, 2019
This farm produces moss blocks, azalea, flowering azalea, moss carpets, and seeds. Runs on bonemeal and uses an Etho clock as the trigger.

moss farm 2 (1).png

Beggining with a moss block in the center with a dispenser underneath that bonemeals the moss. Uses 3 waterlogged stair blocks per side with 1 lava on the middle stairs.

The inverted stair on the right is where all the product will flow out of the farm, to a collection system of your choice. The 2 dispensers on the top each contain a water bucket.

moss farm 2 (2).png

The Etho clock is connected directly to the bonemealing dispenser and the 2 observer lines are watching that dispenser, triggering when the dispenser tries to use a bonemeal. Those
observer lines lead to the pistons on each side of the farm and as well to the 2 topside dispensers.

The stone is completely covered underneath with solid blocks (glass for your viewing) to stop product from falling through.

The bonemealing dispenser will not use a bonemeal when the water is out, thus for every 2 signals from the Etho clock only 1 bonemeal is used yet the pistons will cycle 2 times.

moss farm 2 (4).png

I like to put a lever on my Etho clocks to turn the farm off. The clock is adjustable by the amount of items put into the hoppers.

Set it to trigger just after the lava has had a chance to create stone. Produces alot for its size.

The furnaces are there to stop the pistons from pushing one another, that would be bad.

Hope this helps, have fun out there.
Isn't it that it makes ores or cobblestone instead of stone?

You are very correct. No matter what I try to get around this, Foxcraft has made it impossible to make a stone generator, thus this farm is unuseable here.

My appologies to all that might have been mislead. very sorry.
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