Hello and welcome;
I have designed a few obscure nano farms for you to look at. Bonemeal is always a nano farm requirement. Dispenser do not use bonemeal if the item it tries to use it on is fully grown or if there is no item.
1 - Propagules, (Mangrove Tree Sapling)

Uses a leaf block from a Mangrove tree. 2 dispensers as the top dispenser starts a propagule, (and does not use any more bonemeal until the player breaks the propagule), and the bottom one makes it grow into maturity. Once the Propagule is fully grown simply break it with your hand and watch as another grows in its place. Simple redstone of a piston to start an observer clock. The lamp is optional.
2 - Hanging Roots

Uses rooted dirt, (found under Azalea trees). The dispenser bonemeals the rooted dirt and makes a hanging root under it. Shears are needed to harvest the hanging root. The lamp is optional. No bonemeal will be used while the farm is running until the player breaks the hanging root.
3 - Kelp

This farm has a few things going on to make it work. The basic observer clock on top. Note the 2 Sculk Veins used to stop water flow, one on the floor and the other on the underside of the lamp. There is a horizontal trapdoor which is also used to stop water flow. 1 dispenser to grow the Kelp. If the Kelp only grows 1 block taller then the dispenser will fire again to get the Kelp to 3 blocks tall. If the first bonemeal made the Kelp to 3 blocks tall then no more bonemeal is used.

From here the player simply aims at the barrel and breaks the Kelp by hand. Stand far enough back so you will catch the Kelp coming out from the top. Not sure why anyone would need a nano Kelp farm but if they did, here it is.
4 - Glow Berries

What is to tell. Hang a Glow Berry on the face of an observer and a Barrel to store the berries then a Dispenser to grow the Berries. 2 redstone dust to complete the redstone circuit and you have constructed one of the smallest nano farms in Minecraft.
5 - Lichen

This is might be the smallest nano farm in Minecraft. The dispenser has Lichen on its face, top and all sides except the back because of the redstone on the Barrel. The Observer has Lichen on its face and that is the Lichen that the player should break with the shears. Leave the Lichen on the Dispenser otherwise it will waste a bonemeal replacing the Lichen on itself before replacing the one on the Observer. This is not optimal for a Lichen farm as we only get 1 Lichen per use of the shears, but I was going for super duper pooper scooper small, (Skillzemans tag line).
I have designed a few obscure nano farms for you to look at. Bonemeal is always a nano farm requirement. Dispenser do not use bonemeal if the item it tries to use it on is fully grown or if there is no item.
1 - Propagules, (Mangrove Tree Sapling)

Uses a leaf block from a Mangrove tree. 2 dispensers as the top dispenser starts a propagule, (and does not use any more bonemeal until the player breaks the propagule), and the bottom one makes it grow into maturity. Once the Propagule is fully grown simply break it with your hand and watch as another grows in its place. Simple redstone of a piston to start an observer clock. The lamp is optional.
2 - Hanging Roots

Uses rooted dirt, (found under Azalea trees). The dispenser bonemeals the rooted dirt and makes a hanging root under it. Shears are needed to harvest the hanging root. The lamp is optional. No bonemeal will be used while the farm is running until the player breaks the hanging root.
3 - Kelp

This farm has a few things going on to make it work. The basic observer clock on top. Note the 2 Sculk Veins used to stop water flow, one on the floor and the other on the underside of the lamp. There is a horizontal trapdoor which is also used to stop water flow. 1 dispenser to grow the Kelp. If the Kelp only grows 1 block taller then the dispenser will fire again to get the Kelp to 3 blocks tall. If the first bonemeal made the Kelp to 3 blocks tall then no more bonemeal is used.

From here the player simply aims at the barrel and breaks the Kelp by hand. Stand far enough back so you will catch the Kelp coming out from the top. Not sure why anyone would need a nano Kelp farm but if they did, here it is.
4 - Glow Berries

What is to tell. Hang a Glow Berry on the face of an observer and a Barrel to store the berries then a Dispenser to grow the Berries. 2 redstone dust to complete the redstone circuit and you have constructed one of the smallest nano farms in Minecraft.
5 - Lichen

This is might be the smallest nano farm in Minecraft. The dispenser has Lichen on its face, top and all sides except the back because of the redstone on the Barrel. The Observer has Lichen on its face and that is the Lichen that the player should break with the shears. Leave the Lichen on the Dispenser otherwise it will waste a bonemeal replacing the Lichen on itself before replacing the one on the Observer. This is not optimal for a Lichen farm as we only get 1 Lichen per use of the shears, but I was going for super duper pooper scooper small, (Skillzemans tag line).