Happy Halloween! Here was October’s monthly summary:
- Backpacks can no longer be opened in PvP
- Players are now invulnerable while AFK
- Added join & leave messages for FoxGod / FoxGoddess rank
- Added mangrove logs to block shop
- Added mud to block shop
- Added mangrove propagule to farming shop
Kingdoms Valhalla:
- Improved instructions for new players
- Reset nether and end worlds
- Added damage indicators
Congratulations to the top voters of the month:
1. PJNitsua with 154 votes! | +500 vote points (€10)
2. Ally_04 with 148 votes! | +400 vote points (€8)
3. WeLovePanda with 143 votes | +300 vote points (€6)
4. Techno2020 with 142 votes | +200 vote points (€4)
5. TribalGorgon682 with 137 votes! | +100 vote points (€2)
Make sure to vote for an honourable mention in next month's summary post!
Special Moments
A few screenshots from our Red vs. Blue event earlier this month:

Thanks for staying updated and congrats to the top voters!
Kind regards,