April 2024
Hello! Here is a summary of April.CHANGELOGS
Kingdoms (RESET!):
- Fixed a minion world blacklist bypass (thanks @CrushedSpirits)
- Disabled soulbound enchantment
- Added more invisible barriers at koth arena
- Fixed not being able to place vehicles anywhere, you can now place them in the elysium world
- Band-aid fix for giving mana reward periodically (every 15 minutes), this spams chat with afk messages, will fix properly soontm
- Fixed extra kingdom claims being calculated wrongly (thanks @MisterMel)
- Made chat easier to read (excluded displaying role names)
- Temporarily disabled auto afk
- Reintroducing tame-able foxes (Thanks @unknown, added support for 1.20.4)
- Foxes can be tamed with raw chicken and bred with sweet berries.
- Fixed rare error with archery mini game (thanks @NoahvdAa)
- Added support for Minecraft 1.20.5 (java edition)
- Added support for Minecraft 1.20.80 (bedrock edition
- Small performance improvement related to island starter holograms (thanks @MisterMel)
- Shop item rotations now occur at 12 AM CEST
- Fixed suspicious gravel & sand not spawning in some island phases
- Fixed issues with fishing augments
- Fixed fishing augment menus
- Added /xpbottle (available for free)
- Fixed issue with island prestiging not granting +1 island size when last block was not mined by the island owner
- Increased chunk render distance on islands by +1 chunk
- Increased activation range of animal & monster mobs
- Increased speed of lumberjack and collector minions
- Slightly increased player render distance
- Increased per player mobcaps for animals & monsters
- Another +1 chunk view distance on islands
- /shop weekend stock now displays earlier (on fridays too)
- Added "Light" block to /shop item pool (as epic item)
- Fixed issue with spawners, placing & silktouching
- Mining island phases now gives the island size rewards regardless if island owner is online or not
- Reintroduced FoxTitles, title points can be obtained in some crates @ /warp crates (thanks @NoahvdAa)
- General updates, bug fixes & improvements to islands software (merged upstream) (thanks @MisterMel)
- Huge server performance improvement made possible by changes in FoxMinions (thanks @MisterMel)
- Fixed issues with fishing augments
- Updated McMMO, added crossbow & trident skills
- Added mycelium & honey blocks to /shop
- Disabled mecha vehicles in spawn, to prevent loss (thanks @Laylah)
- Huge server performance improvement made possible by changes in FoxMinions (thanks @MisterMel)
- Increased per player mobcaps for animals & monsters
- Increased chunk render distance by +2 chunks
- Added Nether Bricks to /shop
- Added Red Nether Bricks to /shop
- Set sheep spawner rates back to global values
- Fixed blast furnaces & smokers jobs data not persisting after reboots
- Lowered elytra cooldowns
- Added crimson & warped stem to blocks shop
- Added "Light" to blocks shop (very expensive)
- Added cocoa beans to farming shop
- Made vote crate keys virtual, they will now appear in /keys
- Fixed daily rewards still handing out physical keys
- Dragon egg's will now always get added to the dragon slayers inventory
- Fixed maps in item frames bugging out
- Reintroduced FoxTitles, title points can be obtained in some crates @ /warp crates (thanks @NoahvdAa)
- Title points can be used to create your own custom tag with formatting from https://wiki.ess3.net/mc/
Tags are displayed in chat and in floating name tag
- Title points can be used to create your own custom tag with formatting from https://wiki.ess3.net/mc/
- Fixed errors when players get sorted in teams & when they are teleported to maps (thanks @MisterMel)
- Fixed broken store signs at crates area
- Moderate server performance improvement made possible by changes in FoxMinions (thanks @MisterMel)
- Added tall flowers like rose bush & lilac to /shop
- Updated the ratings display (in bossbar), added more stars & gradient effect (thanks @Nowaha)
- Updated levelup entry in logbook (thanks @NoahvdAa)
- Added confirmation menu when trying to delete a phantom/replay from a map (thanks @Nowaha)
- Added succeed chat message when deleting a phantom (thanks @Nowaha)
- Fixed colors not parsing for level names in parkour logbook (thanks @NoahvdAa)
- Fixed possible exploit with button minigame & parkour (thanks @NoahvdAa)
Welcome @Super_JessePlays, and welcome back @Bubbabouy, to the staff team!
Congratulations to @Elyseeh on her promotion from Helper to Moderator!

Congratulations to the top voters of April:
1. dragonaster with 173 votes! | +500 vote points (€10)
2. Bobmcgob with 169 votes! | +400 vote points (€8)
3. deniiiiiii with 169 votes! | +300 vote points (€6)
4. nxtskv with 159 votes! | +200 vote points (€4)
5. Themistocles248 with 158 votes! | +100 vote points (€2)
Want a giftcard?
There's a €3 webstore giftcard hidden in a community chest on one of the gamemodes. Be the first to find it!
Giftcard is redeemable @ store.Foxcraft.net
Happy May