Missing/broken functions

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New Member
Aug 7, 2018
Hi, I'm rather new to the server, but I've noticed a lot of things are not working as intended.
Can someone confirm the following issues and maybe a solution to the issues?
1. Hoppers only seem to be transfering stacks of 32, which makes auto furnaces impossible
2. Boats can't be placed on grass
3. You can't enter a boat with a mob in it
4. You can't push boats with an entity in it
I'm pretty exausted, as I've tried to build dozens of auto-furnaces and none of them worked the intended way. I've also tried to transport a villager from a village to my own town, but that only seems to be possible via rails.
Hey as your new you may not know this but for this sort of stuff you have to put it in the suggestions in order for a mod to properly look at it
btw, hoppers works different you only have to think better about how to work with them, I have auto furnances working perfectly. but ye, also you can use water to move villagers. just think about a solution tho
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