MCMMO in pvp

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New Member
Oct 18, 2017
I have realised that fighting MCMMO (Archery, axes, swords) are disabled in warp pvp. Could we re enable it? It really gives alot of players something to grind for and keep it competitive between pvpers on survival. Would be nice if we can return this to survival
I have realised that fighting MCMMO (Archery, axes, swords) are disabled in warp pvp. Could we re enable it? It really gives alot of players something to grind for and keep it competitive between pvpers on survival. Would be nice if we can return this to survival
Yes because getting 1 tapped in pvp is fun
1 tap is more on OP servers lol. i am not saying it should give a big advance , but some slightly advance would be nice because its pretty useless now
Well its pretty useles and i am not saying that all the op perk should be in the game but i mean we can have some sort of critcal hits etc. All the fighting mcmmo is useless rn like a 10% advantage give the players something to grind for
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