Lost my Skyblock

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New Member
Apr 7, 2016
I used to have a pretty high level skyblock under my old username _KaptainFluffy_ and when i logged in about a week ago i spawned at my skyblock then a few seconds later was sent to a new skyblock. I last played on the skyblock around 8 months ago. I spoke with Dansors and he told me to write this thread as he did not have the abilities to help me. Thank you for reading this thread have a good day.
I used to have a pretty high level skyblock under my old username _KaptainFluffy_ and when i logged in about a week ago i spawned at my skyblock then a few seconds later was sent to a new skyblock. I last played on the skyblock around 8 months ago. I spoke with Dansors and he told me to write this thread as he did not have the abilities to help me. Thank you for reading this thread have a good day.
Alright so islands were purged (Deleted) on sunday at 18:09, I'm sorry but your island is gone.
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