Lost God pick due to Glitch

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New Member
Aug 11, 2019
HI, i had a eff8 un6 fort8 pick and i lost it, this was due to a glitch in the plot world. i did /wwarp Crazedimpaction and spawned in the air and died. when i warped i was at a different plot and died with evreything, but i was hoping i could possbily get my pick back as i spend irl money on this


Yeah this needs to be fixed. Some /wwarps don't let you tp because it's unsafe, but that's generally only if they're against a wall. If they're in the air, like in your case, then there's no stopping you tp'ing there.
yes but this didnt have a welcome sign. this was because i was denied from a plot and when i tried to warp to that plot i got tped to a random plot in the air
this is my report, i was hoping i can get the pick back as i spend real life money on it
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