looting in /god?

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Nov 20, 2016
are you aloud to loot in /god because i was watching a fight and someone died and i got the loot, TehOneAndOnlytek said i would get banned, but i promiss i had no idea please confirm if this it okay im very worried!!!!!
are you aloud to loot in /god because i was watching a fight and someone died and i got the loot, TehOneAndOnlytek said i would get banned, but i promiss i had no idea please confirm if this it okay im very worried!!!!!
Yes it is bannable. If a staff bans you or proof is provided. You would get banned
are you aloud to loot in /god because i was watching a fight and someone died and i got the loot, TehOneAndOnlytek said i would get banned, but i promiss i had no idea please confirm if this it okay im very worried!!!!!
Just dont do it anymore or if it happens again give their stuff back, i think it'll be fine then
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