Lets talk about my mute ;)

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Jul 12, 2016
I just kinda wanna talk about whether or not it's rude to say "Jew" I don't even wanna be unmuted. I just wanna know what you think!
PS : Ily peyton, you're a good mod. Please do not close this, this is a conversation. I do not mean to down talk you or anyone else.

So, I got muted for using the term "Jew". What did I say, I just said "Jew". I got muted for disrespect. How is
saying "jew" at all disrespectful? Please, answer that. If II would've just said "Atheist" or "Christian" would I have gotten muted for disrespect as well? Because if not, I feel like that is disrespectful to Jews. Jew is not at all a derogatory term, and it shouldn't be. It's just a religion that was at fault at one point in history. That doesn't make saying the word bad. If I said, "Gas them, they're a jew" or "kill the jew" or "jews suck" or anything like that, yes, that would be disrespectful. I don't feel like the term "Jew" is at all disrespectful in the slightest.

Proof - Re-play Mod

0:26 is when I said "Jew", at 1:57(ish) is when I get muted.
I just kinda wanna talk about whether or not it's rude to say "Jew" I don't even wanna be unmuted. I just wanna know what you think!
PS : Ily peyton, you're a good mod. Please do not close this, this is a conversation. I do not mean to down talk you or anyone else.

So, I got muted for using the term "Jew". What did I say, I just said "Jew". I got muted for disrespect. How is
saying "jew" at all disrespectful? Please, answer that. If II would've just said "Atheist" or "Christian" would I have gotten muted for disrespect as well? Because if not, I feel like that is disrespectful to Jews. Jew is not at all a derogatory term, and it shouldn't be. It's just a religion that was at fault at one point in history. That doesn't make saying the word bad. If I said, "Gas them, they're a jew" or "kill the jew" or "jews suck" or anything like that, yes, that would be disrespectful. I don't feel like the term "Jew" is at all disrespectful in the slightest.

Proof - Re-play Mod

0:26 is when I said "Jew", at 1:57(ish) is when I get muted.
Peyton ain't mod.
helper, staff, whatever. same difference
but, I do agree like, what if someone was a jew and they were saying that they were a jew... they would be muted.. and its not like christian is any different to jew...bruh
but, I do agree like, what if someone was a jew and they were saying that they were a jew... they would be muted.. and its not like christian is any different to jew...bruh
well it is different but like its still a religion ;P
Actually, Christian is different than a Jew. from what i understand, Christians believe Jesus was the messiah. While jews believe he wasn't. They know of his existence, they just don't belive he was the messiah (messanger) THIS IS FROM MY UNDERSTANDING PLS DONT HATE ME IF IM WRONG.
Actually, Christian is different than a Jew. from what i understand, Christians believe Jesus was the messiah. While jews believe he wasn't. They know of his existence, they just don't belive he was the messiah (messanger) THIS IS FROM MY UNDERSTANDING PLS DONT HATE ME IF IM WRONG.
i meant the same as in they're both religions..
If you'd really want to discuss a 1 hour mute. You'd Pm either peyton himself or an admin about it. No need to discuss it on a open thread. Peyton might've made an mistake, but that's why he is still helper and not bigger yet in the staff ranks. In fact you even say that you called someone a religion. Weither it was in an insulting way Yes or no, i'll never know. But staff could take it as an insult towards the player (which is most likely in any case of a mute) and therefor have rightfully mute you.

Peyton is still helper, he can make the same misstakes as anyone. He is still human after all.
12) Do not interfere with the Administration team's business. (Ex. If we mute/kick, etc. someone that is not yourself, do not question/criticize us, and leave it alone.)

But staff could take it as an insult towards the player (which is most likely in any case of a mute) and therefor have rightfully mute you.
Seeing as in the video, he's fighting a player who he runs away from, and randomly says "jew" in chat, I'm guessing directed at that player he had ran from. From my stance I'd have guessed he meant it in a derogatory way, and more than likely I'd have muted him for it too.
It was an hour mute, not a perm. Get over it. If you call someone a "jew", it is disrespectful. Not in the way as "oh, you're a Jew, you suck." In the meaning like you are making fun of Jews and that was how is was looked at.
You had like, a few thousand insults you could've pulled.
Not sure why "Jew" is the first one that comes to mind.
May need to get some new material mate :>
I actually just wanted to talk about why the term jew was deemed disrespectful, Also, I was the person who got muted, which is what I'm saying, so rule 12, does apply since I am the one who received the mute. Also, ninja, I'm just trying to have a conversation. I'm fine with the mute, I just wanted to hear other peoples opinions on the topic, and why the term "Jew" was automatically deemed disrespectful.
If you'd really want to discuss a 1 hour mute. You'd Pm either peyton himself or an admin about it. No need to discuss it on a open thread. Peyton might've made an mistake, but that's why he is still helper and not bigger yet in the staff ranks. In fact you even say that you called someone a religion. Weither it was in an insulting way Yes or no, i'll never know. But staff could take it as an insult towards the player (which is most likely in any case of a mute) and therefor have rightfully mute you.

Peyton is still helper, he can make the same misstakes as anyone. He is still human after all.
I just wanted to get other peoples input in why the term Jew was deemed disrespectful. I am already aware of Peytons view based on him muting me without seeing anything other than the word "Jew". He wasn't around me when I said it either. Yes they make mistakes, but i Just wanted to see what anyone else thinks of this situation and if they agree with his decision or mine. Is it that bad to want to have an open conversation?
I happen to have a Jewish friend and he found this insulting after I let him read it. He said it's insulting because people are arguing about the term and some people saying it's ok to use the the term in a negative way.
I realize you said please don't close this but I really don't want to offend anybody else.
For the greater good...
And yes, you don't say Jew while running away from someone and mean it in a good or "normal" way.
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