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New Member
Mar 16, 2016
hi their.

This Affixes Cloakfox Connor situation is going out of hand..

If someone talks about it

Just comment #SadFoxes
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Why are you even making this thread? a thread was made by Leon, him and others expressed their feelings...this thread will be an argument. #You're making sad fox's
Honestly this bs is stupid, first of all I doubt most of the people making / commenting on these threads know Connor or Leon or what happened at all. They probably just heard Connor force opped people and took down old Forums and immediately starting hating on him, let's get this straight if you don't know who Connor was or how important he was to this server then don't hate on him for one mistake.
Honestly this bs is stupid, first of all I doubt most of the people making / commenting on these threads know Connor or Leon or what happened at all. They probably just heard Connor force opped people and took down old Forums and immediately starting hating on him, let's get this straight if you don't know who Connor was or how important he was to this server then don't hate on him for one mistake.
But we do know who Connor is, he wasn't always like this though.
I'm not meaning to be rude, but you need to put this in the past. You're already causing more drama, than there already is. I see no point in this thread, it's just nonsense. Plus Leon has already created a thread about this.
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