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Mar 8, 2016
the reason im leaving Foxcraft bc of 1NS4N1TY_MC on skyblock he killed me by a glitch on his island that u can hit people and i lost a god pick that had efficency 8 fortune 8 and unbreaking 10 and it was my only pick so thats why i am leaving i hope you all understand, fc will be missed
the reason im leaving Foxcraft bc of 1NS4N1TY_MC on skyblock he killed me by a glitch on his island that u can hit people and i lost a god pick that had efficency 8 fortune 8 and unbreaking 10 and it was my only pick so thats why i am leaving i hope you all understand, fc will be missed
Bai... ;-;
they took fort 8 out u cant get it anymore
Then y u guyz begging 4 mai token!!?!.

Lol its skyblock. Having a rank = OP.
Don't focus on one tool. When u can build a whole island of neat things. Also, nobody is going to spawn you another one. So don't start begging cus its against the rules. If you need anything, I sell tokens for stuff on factions.
the reason im leaving Foxcraft bc of 1NS4N1TY_MC on skyblock he killed me by a glitch on his island that u can hit people and i lost a god pick that had efficency 8 fortune 8 and unbreaking 10 and it was my only pick so thats why i am leaving i hope you all understand, fc will be missed
Farewell, I suppose.
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