90% of the players are using "L" and "Take the L" incorrectly.
40% of the players think "L" means Lol
25% of players are using "L" to sound cool in-game but /Msg players asking what "L" or "Take the L" means *Facepalms*
10% of you will believe my statistic's are always correct, L.
So what does L actually stand for?
Well In many sports, a W and an L mean a win and a loss respectively. People have also used the terms outside of sports, and when people use the term "take the L/take this L" and other variations of that term they are referring to losing. For example, one might say that Meek Mill took the L in his feud with Drake.

Congratulations, You and I both have wasted our time
40% of the players think "L" means Lol
25% of players are using "L" to sound cool in-game but /Msg players asking what "L" or "Take the L" means *Facepalms*
10% of you will believe my statistic's are always correct, L.
So what does L actually stand for?
Well In many sports, a W and an L mean a win and a loss respectively. People have also used the terms outside of sports, and when people use the term "take the L/take this L" and other variations of that term they are referring to losing. For example, one might say that Meek Mill took the L in his feud with Drake.

Congratulations, You and I both have wasted our time