Survival Kittie's Survival Warp

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Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2020
USA, CST Time Zone
If you are reading this, i appreciate the thought of wanting to come to this thread. Thank you. Anyway,if you go to survival, and do /wwarp KittiePhan, it shall take you to my warp. Please, do not spam the item donation bin with crap, or something like a couple stacks of grass (not the block, just g r a s s), because that frustrates me. Why, you may ask? Because, i am not allowed to play MineCraft until July or so. My claims will expire eventually, and i do NOT want ANYONE AT ALL (except the following staff: Jaimy, Pinky, Straw, and the following members: Kar, Robbe) to go through my chests in my shop. If the people i have chosen to guard my shop when it expires from my claim list reports to me saying something is missing, i W I L L contact staff, and all my friends, to try and get the missing contents back. MARK. MY. WORDS. Anyway, welcome, to Kittie's Things (my warp). At Kittie's Things, i offer a large variety of stuff, just stuff in general. Random, random stuff. So come on in, check it out, no need to grump or walk around, just pick an item that interests you, buy it, and maybe, your little dreams may come true. WARNING: only 0.000000000000000001% of little dreams come true when buying at Kittie's Things.
Visit Again Soon.
Thank You For Stopping and Possibly Shopping.
I appreciate it greatly.
Yours Truly, Kittie (THEE ONE AND ONLY KITTIE, THAT IS) ♡♡♡♡♡
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