Kitties Story! :D

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Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2020
USA, CST Time Zone
PART 1 of The Adventures of Captain Fickens:
Chapter 1: The Beginning

We join our hero as she ventures amongst the deadly drowned waters. She hoists the sail. A crewmate yells outs to Fickens, but she cant quite make out what they are saying. Unbothered by this, our hero lays her eyes upon the glory she is binded to, the Yarghle infested waters of the North Beanbrick. Everlasting stupidity will forever reside in all of the Captain’s crewmates. The proof lay true with Fickens, while it cannot be shown to the crewmates themselves. Fickens journeys into Yarghle territory, and though the crewmates are not aware of this, they always are in the end. “Yarghle Amongst ye!”, bellows Fickens to her crewmates. A Yarghle can be spotted below the undergrowth of mothneasints growing on the underside of our hero’s small ship. Fickens has a slight staring competition with the fellow, who is deadly unaware of how much of a mistake it made. Nobody beats Fickens in a staring competition! Our hero dwells within the glory of fifty-decades-in-a-row Champion of all competitions! Flames of the Gargwelian buy a home in Fickens’ eyes, as she remains staring into the beady little eyes of the Yarghle, which apparently has shrunk by a few pounds due to the Gargwelian Flames who have moved into our hero’s eyes. The Yarghle ran off eventually, and on, our hero ventured. The Yarghles eventually got a hold of all of Captain Fickens’ crewmates, and it was just her now. All alone, in the soggy foggy mist. Fickens cringed. She knew that whenever the mist was soggy and foggy, it was Doomsday. She went about her Sea Day, as she liked to call it. Crewmate Zorhara, and Lookout Georgia had told each other some secrets, but Fickens had made sure they did not spill a single word of her secrets out yet. As our hero glanced past the horizon, she had spotted her eyes on the vast ship amongst her. Lookout Georgia cried, “ALERT!”, and the whole crew panicked, except for Fickens. She just stood there, staring at the sight. Eyes, her eyes were terrified. Her mouth was slightly open in horror. It made her think about why she was even at sea in the first place, her life as a child, her family. Her mother had gotten lost like her children (except for Fickens, that is), and so did her father. Her brother had been forgotten like our hero’s sister, who was lost in the woods, never to be seen again. A slight tear rolled down her face, as she stood there, hopelessly. Wishing, for her old life back. She had come to the sea to run away from her grief, from her sadness, but this brought it back, this view before her eyes had torn apart her protection from herself. Our hero suddenly, every so quietly muttered a tiny word, barely audible to the human ear, “Ava”. It was her sister’s name. Her lost sister’s name. Her best friend, her sister, was gone. Lookout Georgia had been trying to talk to Fickens this whole time, and when Fickens had stopped herself from the mystery view, she was back to normal, or, at least everyone thought she was. She looked away for a split second, and when she looked back the view was gone from sight. It just vanished, just like that. She thought she was seeing things. An hour had passed since the view, and yet, Fickens could still not completely understand what it was, why it was there, or what it had done to her. It had changed her in some way, messed with her DNA. The small ship that Fickens commanded was now inside of the South Beanbrick waters of the drowned souls. Lunchtime was upon our hero, so she sat down in her favorite chair in her quarters to eat the leftover poached pig from last night’s feast. She thought back to why she was even venturing the seas in the first place, but then she remembered. Ava. Her sister. Her mother, her father, her brother. It was all too painful to bare anymore. She held back her tears. Our hero never cried. She had wanted to, many many times before. But she never did. She just forgot to, she thought, but that wasn't the real reason. The real reason was that she didn't think she was allowed to. She would if she could, and she could, but she didn't know that just yet. Lookout Georgia came in at that very moment, and said to our hero, “Captain, the fish are jumping, you know what that means”, and Fickens saw a gleam of terror in her eyes. Fickens stood up and said, “Yarghles”, raced out the door in a rush, and commanded everyone to their duties. “You there, hoist the sail! Zorhara, scrub the deck! Make it shine! The Yarghles hate clean surfaces! CLEAN THE WHOLE SHIP!”, she bellowed. The sun had set by the time the ship was cleaned from Yarghles, but right before it set, Fickens saw the black blob again. The mystery ship. The ship. The only thing that calmed her soul was this vision, for some strange reason. Nobody knew why. Nobody even knew that it calmed her, but Fickens was the only one who could see this ship. The only one. Fickens scoffed. She rolled her eyes at her past, accepting her future as a 500 year old captain (although she was 500, she looked to be in her 20’s), who ventured the vast seas, especially the ones infested with Yarghles, like the South Beanbrick seas of the drowned souls of pirates venturing amongst the seas just like Fickens, and our hero had one thing in common with these drowned pirates and their souls. Our hero was running away from her feelings, from her whole life, she was trying to be someone she was not. She wasn't a pirate at heart. She wasn't a captain at all. She was a girl turned to rust, turned to a sea robber, a fake pirate. All of her new life was fake. Fake. F-a-k-e. And she knew it. But her crew didn't know a thing. They just didnt know, and if they did, they would be too stupid to understand, but one crewmate (Lookout Georgia) would understand what was happening if she knew. Only if she knew.
Chapter 2: The Past Soul Of The Girl We Thought We Knew

“Fickens! Come to dinner!”, their mother shouted to her daughter. “Your food is getting cold!” “Ok, I’m coming! Yo, Ava! Come on inside!” But when Fickens turned around, Ava wasn't there, so her mother, her father, her brother, and herself had gone into the woods to look for her. They had promised one another that they would return to a certain spot together at 7:00 pm. But as it turned to be 7:00, Fickens ran and ran and ran to the chosen spot, but nobody else was there. She called her family, but their phones were off, so she left a very long message asking many questions about where they were. She eventually called the police but even they weren't able to do anything about her loss of her family so suddenly. It had happened so quickly, like, like a blink. A blink of an eye.


Fickens’ mother was reading the news, it said that random family members of other families were disappearing out of the blue, and she had hoped this didn't happen to her family, she “knew” it wouldn't happen. But what she didn't know was that it actually would happen, to her family, her children, her husband. Her whole family would be gone in the blink of an eye. It would happen over the course of an hour, but still would feel like a blink of the eye. All, in, a, blink, of, an, eye.
Chapter 3: Upgrades, Upgrades, When Do They End?

Fickens was pacing along the ship, and noticed that the ship could benefit from a couple (and when she thought that, she meant a lot) upgrades to the ship’s structure, and the design, the decorations and such things like that. So she got to work. First thing that was to be upgraded was the Captain’s Quarters. Our hero was the most excited for this upgrade because she loved her quarters. She spent half her days sitting in there, resting quietly. Her chair was very old, and was installed probably when she was born. She got to work finding resources like wood, and nails, a hammer, and some fabric. Crewmate Georgia came in after knocking. “What’s up, Georgia?”, said Fickens. “Oh nothing, just a bit bored. What are you doing?”, replied Georgia, as she spotted the work in progress chair. “I’m making a chair” “But why?”, said Georgia, and she was quite puzzled at this moment. “I’m trying to upgrade the ship so it appears more fierce to other ships, and so that it works better and looks better to all of us”, Fickens replied. So Georgia formed an idea, and this idea was to help Fickens with her work on the upgrades. But the ship was forming a hole, and Fickens knew this. So she steered the ship to a small uncivilized island without any other people, but definitely with animals to hunt. Fickens inspected the hole first, and decided to help scrub the deck a little bit first before fixing the ship’s hole. But as she did this, she felt a slight desire to explore, so she did. “ATTENTION! I am going to explore the island. My order for you all is to fix the hole in the ship before I get back. Thank you.”, exclaimed Fickens, and off she went, into the dark shady trees of the island.

Chapter 4: A Ship In The Shadows

She was walking through the underbrush when she saw it. It was much bigger in person than from a far, or in her head. She thought it was a building at first, but no. The Ship. It was here. Suddenly, Fickens heard a voice, a familiar voice, very familiar indeed. It sounded like her sister Ava. She froze. “..Ava?”, she stammered carefully. “...Ava it’s me, Fickens! I missed you!” But when she came to the clearing the ship was in, there were pirates. Huge ones. Bigger than a bear. They cornered her, shoved her down. She lay there for what felt like an hour, and then she saw her. Her sister. Ava. “...”, Ava seemed to say, and so did Fickens. Ava was inside a cage that had a second cage expansion to it, and inside that second cage was a tiger. It looked like a sabertooth tiger, thought Fickens. It had a scar over its left eye, its fur was orange and yellow with a hint of red. Its back was ragged, its fur all messed up and shooting in all directions. It was hard to look at, even in the shade. It looked as if it was being starved or something, because it was staring at Ava like it wanted to eat her. Then it hit Fickens that there was only one opening in the cage, and it was between Ava and the tiger. Fickens tried to get up, but she couldn't, her body wasn't letting her for some reason. “Go, back, now”, muttered one of the six pirates, and he pulled her up, and pushed her in the direction of her ship. She stumbled down the hill, past the frog pond, through the mud patch, through the underbrush, and back to her ship. She turned back to see the ship from afar, but remembered she couldn't see it from this point. The hole in the ship had been fixed like she had ordered, and off they went.

Chapter 5: Haste

Fickens was unaware of the fact that one of the pirates guarding the ship had followed her, and settled down on a ledge at the back of the ship. As the crew did their duties onboard, the pirate peeked up from the ledge, unaware of the fact that Fickens was staring right at the ledge from a window in her quarters. She ordered the crew to steer the ship to town, in order to gather materials and trade with natives from the land of the towns. As the ship arrived, the crew members stayed near Fickens, who left the ship. She had already told them of the stowaway pirate on their ship by calling them into her quarters one by one in secret.


Fickens gave the native woman who was running the trading stall a bottle of seawater, in exchange for a basket of wood for the ship. She turned around and that's when she saw him, the pirate from before. Fickens dropped the wood basket. She automatically ran as fast as she could through the town, as her crewmates took a fresh drink of water from a lake near to the town. She ran, although she didn't get very far. Eventually the pirate caught her, then three others came in and put a sack on her head, took her to their ship, then they were off.

Chapter 6: Stolen

The first thing she saw when they took the sack off her head was Ava. Fickens’ face lit up immediately, and she was at a loss for words, but Ava was not. “Fickens”, she said, calmly, even though she was in a cage with a tiger on the other side of the door. “I-”, and then she started to cough violently. Then the pirate started to speak. “So that’s your name, eh? Well let me tell you something, ‘Fickens’. My name is Chicken.”, and with that, Fickens burst out laughing hysterically. Chicken raised his eyebrow and clenched his fists. “SILENCE!”, he yelled. Fickens stopped laughing, and started to take things more seriously. Ava glanced at Fickens with a look on her face that seemed to say, “Help me!” Fickens looked back at her with a look that said, “Don’t worry.” Chicken saw this glancing, and threatened to open the door between the tiger and Ava. Fickens started to fling her limbs in every which way as a response, which stunned Chicken. Literally. He fell down with the first kick of her leg. Fickens took hold of his legs, and dragged him into the sea. She watched as he started to sink, and looked away only when she couldn’t see any more bubbles rising to the surface of the murky water. When she turned back, Ava and the tiger were gone. She saw the ship. She closed her eyes. A vision started to come together in her mind, a vision of herself, Ava, her brother, her mother, and her father in front of their house. The vision was quickly torn apart, like puzzle pieces being picked away piece by piece. It sickened her, sickened her to the bone. But she couldn’t do anything about it, for it was past her control.
Chapter 7: The Trip Back

Fickens had steered the pirates’ ship back to the trading island, where she found her very worried crewmates waiting for her arrival. After that, her crewmates were very skittish. Although they always did their best to please Fickens in any way possible. Fickens had decided to go back to the island they had stopped at where she had seen the ship up close before. She set up a “temporary camp” on the shore in a clearing near the water. Not too close to the water, her crewmates weren’t that stupid. That was that.

Chapter 8: Imaginated Reality

A man walked up to Fickens. His eyes were scarlet red, his hair was in a ponytail. His face was bruised, dirty, and had what looked like a million scars. He had a needle sticking out of his cheek, which scared her. His face was covered in blood. He spoke through grunting, which Fickens could understand for some strange reason. He was wearing a surgeon uniform, suspiciously red surgeon gloves, and surprisingly white boots without a single stain on them. The man started to run toward her, she backed up, and started to fall down a hole. When she stopped falling, everything was upside down. The man had doubled in size, and he had duplicated twice. He started running toward her again, but this time, she didn't run. She closed her eyes and spoke. “My name is Fickens. I am 587 years old. I have lost my family, and I know where my sister Ava is.” The man paused, turned his head all the way around in a full circle, then said, “I know how to save her, you need to sacrifice something you love. Get to know this bunny. Then slaughter it in front of your sister, before May 18th, and a door will form in her cage. If you fail to sacrifice the bunny before May 18th, the door between the tiger and Ava will open, and the tiger will eat her.” The man handed Fickens a bunny. He picked up a needle from the floor, and started to walk towards her, slow at first, getting faster. Fickens couldn’t move no matter what. Something had tied her in place, or at least it felt like it. The man was right in front of her now, she closed her eyes. Pain. She felt pain. The “dream” was over. She woke up sweating, and her left arm had a needle mark on it, there was still a tiny amount of blood coming from the wound. She looked around her quarters, when her eyes stopped on a little white creature. A bunny. She thought for a moment. How was this possible? She didn’t think it really happened. Fickens thought it was a meaningless nightmare, that was meant to mess with her mind. She thought all of these things, until she saw her left arm. Until she saw the bunny. Fickens couldn’t do this on her own. She made up her mind. She was going to tell Crewmate Georgia. She would tell her about the ship, her past, her family, her sister, the pirates, the dream, the bunny, the man, and what he told her. May 18th. Why May 18th? Well, it would make sense, thought Fickens. It was April 18th, so he probably wanted to give people at least one month to complete their mission. Fickens thought this was true, for she only had a month to slaughter the bunny. She also had to learn to love the little white creature.

Chapter 9: The Bunny is a Rabbit

Fickens glared at the bunny. Her eyes felt like they were on fire with hatred and disgust. It made a small peeping sound. “Oh come on, you think that that’s gonna make me think you’re cute?”, she said, but then she stopped. The bunny was cowering in the corner, shaking with fear. “Sorry little guy, you’re adorable!”, she had changed her mind about the bunny. Fickens also thought she looked like a cinnamon bun, so she was going to call her Bun bun. Bun bun walked out on deck, attracting many looks from crew members, who all thought she was adorable. Fickens suddenly had a clever idea. She steered the ship to the island she had found the ship at. When she stepped foot on the island, the ship appeared. It had always been right there before, and she had never seen it arriving in the moment, so this made her quite shocked. She had wanted to come back here to craft a tiny dress for Bun bun. It would be so cute! It would have a little green bow and green ribbon in the middle, with the base color being green. It would have no sleeves, and it would come equipped with a red collar with a green bow attached. She also wanted to show Ava her new fluffy friend. She also came back to tell Ava about the man, and what he had said. She wanted to tell her sister all about how she needed to slaughter Bun bun before May 18th in order to save her. Fickens hoped Ava would be happy. But as she told her about it, her smile left her face. The plan failed.

Chapter 10: Special Thanks!
Thank you so much for reading! Our story will continue in The Adventures of Captain Fickens Pt. 2! Again, Thank you for reading. It took me about 3 months to develop an idea of what to make this story about. But then I discovered Calvin and Hobbes. I read a couple books about them, and I wondered about the imagination. I finally had an idea about what my story should be about. I have a favorite video game called Minecraft, and my nickname online was Fickens. I wanted to make a story including a main character as a Captain. So it was settled: The Adventures of Captain Fickens. I want to thank my friends at PrairieCare for listening to this special story of mine. It took so long, and it was super frustrating, but sometimes they gave me ideas of what to make in my next story chapter! Thank you SO MUCH! And especially, i would like to thank my friends on Foxcraft. They listened to this story, and it means alot that they did that. Believe it or not, they also gave me inspiration for my story in some ways. :}
PART 2 of The Adventures of Captain Fickens:
Chapter 1: Ava Set Free

When Fickens told Ava about the man in her dream, Ava realized that she had a dream like Fickens’ dream with the exact same man, wearing the exact same clothes. Bun bun smelled danger coming, and tried to help Ava out of the cage, signaling Fickens to do the same. She did. She tried to pick the lock with her sword she kept in her buckle around her waist. One failed attempt. Two failed attempts. Fifty seven failed attempts. Sixty three failed attempts. “OH COME ON!!!! WHY WON’T THE LOCK OPEN?!?!”, exclaimed Fickens. “It has some sort of oil dried onto it, I saw them pour it out of a container when they first trapped me around five hundred years ago.”, replied Ava. “Speaking of, how did you even get here in the first place?”, Fickens asked. “Well, I wanted to explore the woods a bit, because i thought i saw a deer or two, so i ran off. Eventually, these two guys came in and took hold of my arms, and poured a disgusting foul liquid into my mouth to keep me from screaming, then they took me to their ship, and locked me in the cellar after tying me to a pillar. There were rats everywhere, and the liquid they gave me was still in effect, so you couldn’t hear me even when they hadn’t sailed off yet. They had poured toxic magma on the floor in the cellar I was in so that even if I got loose I wouldn't be able to do anything.”, Ava replied. Fickens had a shocked look on her face. Finally the lock broke free, but Bun bun was already inside the tiger’s cage. The tiger was getting ready to pounce, but Bun bun propped the tiger’s half open mouth all the way open, sat down inside, and waited. Ready for it’s snack, the tiger shut it’s jaws, and the two sisters heard a pleading series of peeps coming from Bun bun. It was April 24th. Fickens had done it. But still, they were just standing there in complete horror. “What… just happened..?”, said Ava. “Bun bun was killed, that’s what…”, replied Fickens.

Chapter 2: The rest of her family

Fickens brought Ava to her ship and introduced her to the crew. Crewmate Georgia was fast friends with her sister and wanted to do everything to make her happy onboard Fickens’ ship. This was the second time in Ava’s entire life that she had ever been on or seen a ship in person before. The first time it was on the pirates’ ship, because they had kidnapped her. It struck Fickens at that moment that her mother wasn’t lost, and her father wasn’t lost. They had died. “Oh, I forgot”, said Fickens to herself. Her brother probably was lost exactly like Ava. His name was Foo. Foo and Fickens got along great, until he was taken away. She missed him so much, it was unexplainable how much she missed him. She then made a promise to herself that she would get him back, no matter how hard it is, no matter how long it takes, no matter what happens she would get him back.

Chapter 3: About Foo

Fickens saw a flash of light before looking for Ava that one night. She had seen it in one tree, then another. She saw a human. A person. A boy. A familiar boy. Fickens thought it was Foo, but her mind didn’t believe herself, so she kept looking for him. But, Fickens’ brother had a toy with him that made a flash of light at times, and he had turned it on, therefore it flashed, which was the source of the light, therefore the figure she saw actually was Foo. Her brother had been found without knowing about it. Fickens had already known that he was a very shy person, and ran without a second thought, even from his mother. She walked up on deck with Ava to introduce her to the crew. Georgia was nearby, wanting to be close to Ava at all times. Ava had long blonde hair in a ponytail with a bun at the end. Her shirt was formal and elegant, with blue laces here and there. The base color was blue, while the lace and ribbon was light blue. Her pants were maroon, and had a fierce vibe. Her boots were tall, and made a loud clomp when she walked. They had a picture of her mother and father glued onto them, and a heart surrounded the picture. Her eyes were light blue like those of an angel, and her left eye had a sort of light pink tint to it, while her right eye had a light green tint. Fickens on the other hand, had long flaming bright red hair that trailed behind her as she walked. It was so long, she usually tripped over it. Her sword buckle was tight around her waist, and her “costume” was that of a wolf queen. It had fur trailing behind her with her hair, it’s base color was all grey. The sides around her arms had grey faux fur. It had a maroon color to the top piece. Fickens actually was part wolf, so she had quite a long grey bushy tail and quite tall grey ears that were sensitive even to the tiniest sound. She had a hat like the one that belonged to Captain Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean (she loved that movie as a child), although her hat had a murky red feather on it. The base color was maroon, she happens to love that color dearly. Last time Fickens saw Foo, he was 8, she was 12 and 9 months, he looked miserably cute in a strange way. He had a buzzcut, a blue sweatshirt that wasn't zipped, a red shirt, blue pants and red sneakers with white laces, and a tooth was missing in his smile. He also always carried a live frog companion in his pocket. Fickens thought ill of this decision, because she heard somewhere that Frogs give diseases to humans quite easily. She had also scolded him about this, he had felt so bad afterwards. Despite her scoldings he still kept his frog in his pocket wherever he went. Fickens felt terrible about scolding him so much about that stupid frog. It’s just a frog, he used to say. She didn’t care, what she cared about was him not getting sick or ill due to that stupid creature. It teased her, so much. It would try to bond with her but yet she wouldn’t budge. She hated that thing. She hated it so much. Fickens wanted to get rid of it if he still had it when she found him. That is, if she found him.
Chapter 4: Scared
Fickens was running for her life. These creatures, there was something odd about them, other than everything else. They wanted something from her. She then saw Foo, or what looked like Foo. When she called out his name he turned around so she could see him, he was one of them. One of these creatures. “Foo..?”, Fickens whispered, almost out of breath. Fickens heard a hush, then a scream, no, a shriek, maybe a scream, she couldn’t decipher the difference between the sounds. She reached for her sword but it wasn’t there. She started to panic. Adrenaline rushed through her veins. She could see one of the creatures in a broken mirror lying on the ground, but wasn’t quick enough. The thing bit her violently and viciously. It tasted her blood, and as a response Fickens got extremely weak. Her blood supply was dangerously low, low enough to emit an ear piercing screeching sound from the back of her throat. The creatures reacted in unison, coming closer to her, and taking their spot on her body while sucking her blood. Fickens’ skin was pure white. She flopped onto the floor. She felt like she was about to die. “Foo-”, she started to say, but was stopped as Foo suddenly lunged straight at her. She woke. Fickens lunged up with her sword at the ready in her bed, she was gasping for air and panting heavily. She was breathing audibly, Georgia heard and came running in without knocking, fearful that something had happened to her captain. “You ok?”, she said nervously. Fickens wasn’t moving. “..Fickens?”, whispered Georgia. At that moment, something inside Fickens urged to be free. She felt a strange desire to do something daring and insane. She ran out of her quarters, not caring about anything. She ran over to the plank, and stepped out onto it. Her crew gasped in horror and ran over to her to try and pull her back onto the ship. Fickens responded with violence, pure hate visible in her now blood red eyes. She growled like she never did before in fox language. She rose up with her bushy tail now more bushy and fierce than ever before. Fickens hissed. Then she jumped.

Chapter 5: Water

The water was like a million needles getting punched into her arm at once. It pained her. She felt like she was drowning, and yet she wasn't even underwater yet. Realizing this, she went under. Her face went light blue as an immediate reaction. Her teacher used to talk about this process all the time when Fickens was little. It was called Hydroflanishing. The first step was the skin turning light blue, the second step was the hair turning light blue, the third step was to lose your eyesight, and the last step was losing your breath immediately. Fickens could possibly drown. She could die. Her hair turned light blue. She didn’t care. She knew she had a special type of water power as a little girl. It was called Hydromessanger. It was an extremely rare type of water power, and only 1% of life on earth had it. Only 1 person had these powers. Only 1 person could talk to water. Only 1 person could survive all 4 steps of Hyrdoflanishing. That 1 person was Fickens. She was aware of this. Her mother’s last words were “you can survive Hydroflanishing”, and her father’s last words were “you are the Hydromessanger”, so from that moment on, Fickens loved water. After Ava and Foo were lost, and her parents had died, Fickens resorted to the sea not only because it was the most lonely place she could think of, but because she could survive Hydroflanishing. Because she was the Hydromessanger. Because she was Fickens. She knew this. She lost her eyesight. She didn’t panic, but because she wasn’t panicking, she started to panic about the fact that she was completely calm even though she was in a life or death situation. She swam as deep as she could. When she stopped lunging down deeper into the water, she saw a Goblin Shark. She then saw a Hydrodeer. The spirit of the sea. The spirit of her soul. She was the water. She was the Hydrodeer. She lost her breath. But before she did, her eyesight came back. It wasn’t supposed to come back. As it came back to her, Fickens saw a cage. Within that cage, was Foo. She swam back to the surface to grab the anchor, and yelled at the crew, who was still looking for signs that she was still alive, to lower the anchor. She yelled at Ava, “FOO, IS, ALIVE! HE’S DOWN IN THE WATER! HE WILL DROWN!”. Ava jumped in instinctively. One touch from a Hydromessanger can grant powers of the Hydromessanger. So Fickens touched Ava’s hand lightly. A flash of light blue light appeared and formed a heart around Ava. The Hydrosafe had appeared. The anchor was lowered. While Ava was down searching for Foo, Fickens dried off. Ava came to the surface and back onto the ship, reporting that Foo was screaming, meaning he would die faster if he started to drown. Since Foo was a Frogleaper, he could hold his breath for at least 500 years. Not much when he thought about it when he learned about them in school at the age of 7. All of a sudden, Fickens fainted. When Ava fainted as well. It was up to Georgia. Things had gone terribly wrong, and Georgia knew it.

Chapter 6: Georgia

Georgia shouted out to Medic Zora, “MEDIC! WE NEED A MEDIC! AVA AND THE CAPTAIN HAVE FAINTED!”, but she didn’t mean to say it so loud. The whole crew had already gathered after they heard her say medic. Fickens was mumbling, and so was Ava. Ava kept repeating some line of numbers, 3 6 7, while Fickens repeated the numbers 8 9 5. What Fickens did not remember was that Georgia had jumped in, and because she was among the best swimmers onboard, she had only experienced the first step of Hydroflanishing, she had only experienced her skin turning light blue. She had remembered something while she was down on the seafloor. A vision. An image formed in her mind. Foo. The cage. There was something odd about it, something that stood out to Georgia in a peculiar way. Then she realized what it was. The lock. It had numbers on it. The numbers were set on 0 0 0, 0 0 0. She then remembered what Ava and Fickens kept repeating. 3 6 7, 8 9 5. Georgia thought it wasn't related, so she continued to help her friends.

Chapter 7: The Water Effect

When Fickens woke back up, her skin was still light blue. She couldn’t breathe. It wasn’t supposed to happen like this. Fickens wanted to be positive and say that she had her eyesight back which was good, but she didn’t have it back. It disappeared when she had fainted. Her skin was supposed to turn back to normal the second she left the water, but it was still light blue. She thought that maybe perhaps the Hydroflanishing process was different for the Hydromessanger, but she didn’t know if she was correct because in her 587 years of living she had never experienced Hydroflanishing before. It was completely new to her, it felt weird to be Hydroflanished. It felt like a jolt of energy or electricity was rushing through her, probably because it was. Whenever the Hydroflanishing process started, the person who was experiencing it would feel energetic and a jolt of electricity would transfer from the water into their skin. It would be painful but there would be nothing the person could do about it.

Chapter 8: 3 6 7, 8 9 5

When Fickens heard Georgia talking to herself about the numbers she and Ava had repeatedly mumbled when they were both unconscious, she froze. Those numbers were their bike lock combinations as children. Ava had 3 6 7, while Fickens had 8 9 5. When she and Ava had fallen 50 feet from a train track into a rocky river with a waterfall that had a 70 foot drop to avoid the incoming train, she never went biking again. She and her sister were in the hospital for 3 years after that. She jumped into the water again after telling her crew where she was going, they nodded quietly and went back to their daily duties after she alerted them of what was going on. When she got back to Foo’s cage, his skin was light blue. His eyes were pitch black, meaning his eyesight was gone. Fickens gasped in sea water and spit it out again, then she scrambled around the cage searching for the lock combination. When she found it, she danced around for about 5 seconds, then she got to work. She automatically remembered the password, and clicked the 6 0’s into 3 6 7, 8 9 5. The lock clicked open, and the door swung open with a loud thump. Fickens immediately grabbed Foo’s arm and swam as fast as she could toward the surface. Since Foo was not a Hydromessanger like herself, Fickens had to hurry up and get him back to the ship before he drowned. When they got back on the ship, Ava started crying with pure joy at the sight of her little brother. He was 583, while Ava was 587, and Fickens was the same age as Ava. Fickens and Ava were the same age because they were twins, though not identical ones. After that, they had the journey of their lives together onboard the unnamed ship. “Hey, i forgot, we have yet to name the ship.”, said Fickens. Her last name was Bascket. So Ava and Foo agreed. They had the time of their lives onboard the SS Bascket.
Ye this is meh story I hope u guys enjoyed it I am currently working on a related series about the short adventure and short life of Ava (fickens’ sister) and it is called Death, the genre is horror. Tyyyy have a great dayyyy ^ w I
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