KitPvP Server Reset

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Mar 6, 2016
First and foremost:
Those who post rude/immature content (This includes threads, images, posts and comments) regarding this reset on the Forums, will be dealt with by me personally. The team here puts their valuable time, effort and work (it's 4:30AM while writing this) into providing you with an enjoyable experience, free of charge. We are a community server and listen to your requests. However, there is no need for the amount of bashing and defaming that's been quite a trend recently. In the end, you'll only get yourself in trouble. So, TL;DR: Have decency and respect, please.

Now onto the news...
So yes, KitPvP did undergo a reset today. We've pimped things up with some new features (listed below), a new spawn, and the same layout we've been implementing into other servers over the past month. As always, we hope that this have improved your experience on our server. Here's a short recap of what changed:
  • Completely redid Donator Ranks (See here, available in the store soon)
  • A new levels system
  • Added Tokens
  • New voting rewards
  • Completely new messaging style
  • Updated chat layout
  • Brand-new GUIs
  • Sorted out which rank's get what kits
  • Added a price to every kit (To make it less OP)
  • Added a new shop and VIP Shop (Accessibly via /menu, however also via /shop soon)
  • Added Pets
  • New Scoreboard / Actionbar
  • Added Cratekeys
  • Improved LeaderBoards
  • Much more!
Your complaints
In my initial 20 minutes on the server, I've been listening to your complaints, and would like to leave a small response below:
  • Spawn issues: We've fixed using enderchests, enchantment tables, signs and stopped block breaking.
  • Changed Donator Gear: We have re-assigned the kits that each rank gets, ordered by its contents and the rank price. All kits are paid (25$), however this is a very small amount and just fixes minor abuse. You should not experience any trouble with this at all while playing.
  • Diamond Gear: We have nerfed the kit and individual item prices in the VIP shop. Diamond gear should be very exclusive.
  • "But I paid for this": Items are subject to reset and change. You agreed to these terms on purchase.
  • "Where are the kits": The kits have been moved to a GUI, available at /kits
  • "Where are the shops": These have also been moved to a GUI. There is both a regular & VIP shop, accessible via /menu (The /shop command will also work asap).
Alright, that's it. Again, we are listening to your complaints and suggestions (in the right forum sections), but only in a clean and respectful manner. We put the effort into making (hopefully great) servers for you, so it's up to you to take the effort and state your complaints properly.

Thanks for pointing this out Affixes, There is a right way to give a constructive criticism and there is the wrong way, Players seem to hate changes or things that doesn't benefit them personally. I hope players are more open minded and are more accepting to changes, Changes is good we aren't the same person as we were couple of days ago. Server updates are important and makes it more fun for players and keeps it fair

I hope everyone enjoys the new update and if there are constructive criticism or have a suggestion please post it in the apporpriate section :)
Thanks for pointing this out Affixes, There is a right way to give a constructive criticism and there is the wrong way, Players seem to hate changes or things that doesn't benefit them personally. I hope players are more open minded and are more accepting to changes, Changes is good we aren't the same person as we were couple of days ago. Server updates are important and makes it more fun for players and keeps it fair

I hope everyone enjoys the new update and if there are constructive criticism or have a suggestion please post it in the apporpriate section :)
I personally hate this I have no rank and can't buy one cause poor man swag anyways this makes the difference between ranks soooo great. Before the high ranks all had somewhat good gear and they had to grind up a god set now they are nearly given to them as a token on their lap I think a lot of people would agree with me to change it back
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Well, from what I've read it looks good! Thanks so much for all of your hard work.
I have one question, sort of a warning. Is there any way to abuse pets? This is/was pretty common on other servers, and I hope it isn't an issue here.
First and foremost you're trashing every server you "update". Adding particals for a kitpvp server, tokens too are trash also for a pvp server, pets for kitpvp is bad enough flying around in pvp it's like op prisons now, crate keys oh my god really have to to add that dear lord just destroy every server we play on, like come on man it is pvp for gods sakes. Also "sorted out ranks" why the hell would you do that I payed good money for all kits when I got shadowfox now what have to buy an upgrade so I can get the kits I love. You're also taking away /chat for most servers, everyone can agree that us unnecessary to do that . I hope you will take my complaint into notice.
One complaint, when I joined it took me 25 minutes to get my first kill. It's literally filled with diamond guys so hard to kill someone especially if you're not a rank (coming from a mysticfox)
Those who post rude/immature content (This includes threads, images, posts and comments) regarding this reset on the Forums, will be dealt with by me personally.
If you even bothered to read the thread, you would've noticed this. The Staff team has been working quite hard on the KitPvP updates. And they don't need ingrates like you to start ruining it for everyone.
Have a nice chat with Affixes.
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