KitPvP Kitpvp Giveaway

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Mar 7, 2016
Trapped Under 11kobeer's Chin
So, the title says it all. I'm doing a complete Kitpvp giveaway, including, but not limited to:
- 11,000 in-game currency.
- Protection 1 through 4 armor.
- Potions (10 strength, 64 speed, 5 regeneration, 10 healing)
- Random cool and rare ****.

Sorry, I'd giveaway my stack of notch apples, invisibility potions and knock-back 5 sticks. But that's the HPatrol stuff.

You need to have at least the Skyfox rank to hold all of the items.

Alrighty, cool. Comment below if you want the stuff. I'll pick from a hat when I think there is enough people. Knowing @Serity, he'll probably get it. He always somehow always takes my stuff on Kitpvp.
aw i want da stuff but i ban sabo if u get some can u hold some for me <3 if u do ill sub lol not #nofilter sabo ples
Apparently Giveaways aren't allowed in this area.

Check Affixes' profile if you don't believe me :/
You think I care about what he says, I'll give what I want to who I want.

I would be an asshole now, but I'm just going to keep my peace.

edit: pretty ******* rude considering you probably saw the message he put about not being appropriate here on his profile and then doing this, as this thread was posted after he said that. but whatever.
STATUS = Closed. I'll be choosing a winner for tomorrow. I'll PM whoever wins and give you all the stuff whenever you can get online.
[doublepost=1459966467,1459903294][/doublepost]Alright, I've randomly chosen a winner.

WINNER = @snoopysims! Congrats, you PM me when you're on, and I'll give all the loot to you! :)
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