Kingdoms reset! And factions resetting?

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Gonna be an big faction this season, really excited for. New player gonna join : _ItzMe66_ which is my little brother, more people going to join my team thi season which is super fun !
Hey Foxcrafters!

Unfortunately I was forced to reset the Kingdoms server today due to an out of control dupe that had already ruined the gameplay of the server. This reset also fixes the economy that was already broken due to the /glow glitch on launch. Using a backup was no option because the dupe has been going on for a while now without me noticing it.

Anyway. Everything should be perfect now.

So I've heard quite some players talking about a factions reset and when that happens it definitely is time for one also considering how dead the factions servers are atm. I am planning to reset and unify factions this weekend. Meaning 1 factions server, instead of 2.

I've also managed to fix cannons on factions, so that will be nice for the new season. /tntfill will also be a thing in the new factions for sure too!

More info about the new factions gamemode/reset will come once I am confident enough that I can get it done before the weekend.

Sorry for this sloppy post!

- Cloakfox
No Skywars update?
Hey Foxcrafters!

Unfortunately I was forced to reset the Kingdoms server today due to an out of control dupe that had already ruined the gameplay of the server. This reset also fixes the economy that was already broken due to the /glow glitch on launch. Using a backup was no option because the dupe has been going on for a while now without me noticing it.

Anyway. Everything should be perfect now.

So I've heard quite some players talking about a factions reset and when that happens it definitely is time for one also considering how dead the factions servers are atm. I am planning to reset and unify factions this weekend. Meaning 1 factions server, instead of 2.

I've also managed to fix cannons on factions, so that will be nice for the new season. /tntfill will also be a thing in the new factions for sure too!

More info about the new factions gamemode/reset will come once I am confident enough that I can get it done before the weekend.

Sorry for this sloppy post!

- Cloakfox
Hey Foxcrafters!

Unfortunately I was forced to reset the Kingdoms server today due to an out of control dupe that had already ruined the gameplay of the server. This reset also fixes the economy that was already broken due to the /glow glitch on launch. Using a backup was no option because the dupe has been going on for a while now without me noticing it.

Anyway. Everything should be perfect now.

So I've heard quite some players talking about a factions reset and when that happens it definitely is time for one also considering how dead the factions servers are atm. I am planning to reset and unify factions this weekend. Meaning 1 factions server, instead of 2.

I've also managed to fix cannons on factions, so that will be nice for the new season. /tntfill will also be a thing in the new factions for sure too!

More info about the new factions gamemode/reset will come once I am confident enough that I can get it done before the weekend.

Sorry for this sloppy post!

- Cloakfox
Can you get someone else to look into the cannons issues on the server, cause me and @ExInfinity both tested out cannons and they still don't work
If only I knew if these smaller cannons work, instead of these insane ones you use once.
Cloakfox my 20 stacker lags the server and I can see the sand and tnt lagging. That's a huge problem that the server cant handle a 20 stacker
If only I knew if these smaller cannons work, instead of these insane ones you use once.
And even if like a 40 stacker worked, that's not really what you use to raid bigger bases
lieve lieve cloack, kingdoms bevat nog steeds een aantal fouten, zoals: de shop voor de rank king/queen zegt dat men 14homes moet kunnen plaatsen, maar we kunnen er MAAR 8. Ook zouden we spawers moeten kunnen hakken maar dit is ook niet zo???
En als laatst MAAR zeker niet het minst zijn er nu al 3rolebacks geweest op drie dagen tijd waardoor ik en men kindoms al 3 maal onze base moesten herbouwen, je moet begrijpen dat wij hier veel tijd in steken en ook eens iets anders willen doen:bouwen op deze server

ik hoop dat je dit eens bekijkt en mss iet mee doet,
alvast dank
groeten Bodiel goethals AKA bodielio1
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