Kingdoms release! Info, times & more!

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Mar 7, 2016

It's time! Prepare yourselves for something entirely new/unique! Our kingdoms gamemode is ready!
You better begin planning on a strategy and start recruiting members for your own kingdom!

  • RPG
  • Market (On demand, meaning only items are sold that others /f sell to it) (example when nobody sells items to the shop you will not be able to buy anything from the /f market)
  • Earn money by selling items/blocks /f sell, killing mobs, doing professions and completing bounties
  • Bounties (/bounties)
  • Professions (Jobs)
  • Sparring (1v1)
  • Level up professions and antributes!
  • Worldborder 20k (overworld)
  • Leaderboards
  • Version 1.12 (allows 1.8-1.12)
  • 3 new donator ranks! (Knight/Dame, Duke/Duchess, King/Queen)
  • New donator perks/ranks on our webstore (
  • I probably forgot a bunch of features but you will find out when you are playing (make sure to run /help to get your bearings)
When a player begins they are obligated to choose a profession. Professions are divided into three groups: Peasant, Commoner, and Noble. Professions define a players total available land, land taxes, what attributes will be gained, and what items they can best sell. As a player levels up their profession, the attributes associated with the profession levels up as well

Attributes are like stats. There are five attributes: Strength, Toughness, Speed, Stamina, and Luck. Strength gives players more combat damage and dig speed. Toughness gives players more health and regeneration speed. Stamina makes it possible to run for a very long time with no food. Luck does many things including: Chance to avoid death, better drops, more xp, better enchantments, and more. Attributes are gained by doing your profession. Also, by default, there is an overall attribute cap which allows for uniqueness in gameplay.

A kingdom is a group of players associated with a group of land. Owning more land is reliant on how many members there are as well as their professions. Kingdoms can claim land which is connected to their previous land. The only way to get more land outside of their land is by challenging another kingdom and winning. Each kingdom has their own banner and they can place their banner on enemy land to start a challenge. Keep inventory is on if you die on your own land.

A challenge is how kingdoms fight each other. They force players to fight rather than using a TNT cannon on offline players. There are three stages to a challenge (which are simply explained to the player within that moment of the challenge)
  1. Waiting to be accepted - The defender is taxed at a linear rate until they accept the challenge or until they run out of money. (Time to prepare)
  2. Accepted, but both sides not online - If both sides fail to join at the same time then the attackers can only win if they were online 70% MORE than the defenders. This will rarely happen since there is a command to check the average times when a kingdom or player is online)
  3. FIGHTING - A scoreboard will appear for all kingdom members. They can teleport to the challenge and fight. Keep inventory is on ONLY during the challenge. This allows a player who has offline members to return to the fight and act like his other members. However, if you die and lose your inventory will be lost in the end.



Release times:
21-07-2017 at 7PM CET (EU)
21-07-2017 at 6PM CET (UK)
21-07-2017 at 1PM EST (US)

Initial announcement thread:

I hope you enjoy this all new gamemode!

- Cloakfox
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Awesomeeeeeeee I won't be on when it releases cause I'm doing a charity quiz night, but enjoy the start and I'll come see it when I'm home :)
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Reactions: cloakfox
There is no raiding
Okay, what's the point in attacking people? Is there a benefit? And a 20k border just for one profession? The land will be be like the western front in a couple days, not to mention you can't even kill people for their loot? If that's the case resources in the 20k world going to burn up in a matter of weeks. I'm still going to play because it sounds cool, but some of the stuff doesn't make sense to me.
Okay, what's the point in attacking people? Is there a benefit? And a 20k border just for one profession? The land will be be like the western front in a couple days, not to mention you can't even kill people for their loot? If that's the case resources in the 20k world going to burn up in a matter of weeks. I'm still going to play because it sounds cool, but some of the stuff doesn't make sense to me.
Just wait untill you are playing haha. Read the challanges part.
Never normally hyped about Foxcraft stuff but uh
This is the most hype I've had from this server in a while.
It at least gives me a reason to play lol
So how do we upgrade like our Toughness, Strength, exc.? Me and my friend have been asking people in chat, but isnt working. Plz help
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