Kingdoms main system problems

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New Member
Jan 2, 2020
Hello everyone

I wanna highlight some points that ensures problems in the main system of Kingdoms. (Unfair adventages)

Pay2Win system:
- The Pay2Win system is probably one of the most important points that ensures problems.
- If we look at the current pvp: only players with gems (flaming, vampire, critical and forcefull) + upgraded armor/swords (protection 6, unbreaking 6 etc.) will survive.
You can get upgraded armor/gems from the token shop or from a kingdoms crate. If you wanna get tokens/kingdoms crate keys you need to spend a lot of irl-money (you can also get it out of a vote crate with a lot of luck/patience). Alright I understand that the cloak wanna make a bit of money with his server. But make everything payable isn't a fair way of playing a gamemode like Kingdoms. This gamemode needs to have a grinding method (not only p2w), it will be nice if you need to grind to achieve or receive something. This will make it fair for beginners too. Starting players can't do most of the time anything if they don't spend money (In my opinion that isn't a fair way to play a gamemode like Kingdoms). A solution for this problem could be to add rare envoys with tokens/gems in it. Another solution could be to add achievements with rewards. That sounds fairer for everyone in my opinion.
- Selling gems is a good way to make fast money, cuz it is a lot of money worth (ingame money). The gems come ingame by people who buy a bunch of kd keys (= spend a lot money). But there isn't even a possibility for a starting player to buy those items and to make money. This will make players quitting the server/gamemode. If many players quit, other players will quit too cuz the gamemode/server will be boring with a few people left.
- This pay2win system doesn't matter if you're just building a kingdom, but the main reason that make people playing kingdoms is to get the best kingdom of the server (#1). If you wanna reach that number 1 spot, you need to invade/pvp other kingdoms to achieve resource points but you can't survive in pvp without gems etc. so you can't even achieve resource points by raiding/invading another kd.

Zone next to warzone:
- If you are in walking next to warp pvp, into the pvp zone, you need to walk a bunch of blocks to get out of the warzone (next to warzone = building zone, the zone where you can claim land and have the possibility to build). In kingdoms on Foxcraft, there are only traps of the same kd's net to the warzone. We aren't even playing on a faction server so all that traps aren't necessary. People only uses their traps next to warzone, to be safe for their enemy's (=safezone) or to trap other poeple. But less wealthy kingdoms don't even have a change to have a claim right there cuz they don't have enough money/power for it. That means that only old/rich kd's have changes to get claims right there. Beginning kd's don't even have a change to run away cuz all the claims around warzone are claimed by richer/older kd's. This isn't even fair for everyone in pvp fights.

- If you wanna have a minion, you always needs to pay irl-money for it. In my opinion the minion is more a skyblock item, cuz skyblock is a gamemode where you need to farm/build an island. On Kingdoms they need to focus more on pvp/kingdoms fights. (Not on minions that are used for farms) Minions in Kingdoms would also make it too easy for pay2win players, they only need to buy one. Farming items like sugarcane etc aren't the only items you can sll to make money.. On kingdoms you can sell swords/gear that you have received by killing mobs. (zombie/skeleton spawner: 20-30k/each -> not a lot of ingame-money)

Warp pvp + combat glitching:
- If you look to the warp pvp of Kingdoms, it could be nicer cuz the warp pvp right now looks a bit empty with nothing special in it. Alright there is a parcour in warp pvp but that parcour isn't even good. I mean the whole area on the parcour is safezone? Than you are litteraly asking for players to do combat glitches with the parcour. The whole parcour area doesn't need to be safezone, it needs to be pvp area too. That will make fights at warp pvp nicer.

Auction house(AH):
- AH is a good manner te sell things/to make money. They only need to fix that players cannot sell stupid items on it (for example: dirt blocks, wood etc). If someone wanna buy blocks, there is a shop for it with fair prices. AH is for more special/rare items. If you make this difference between AH and shop, kingdoms will look cleaner.

Assasin gear:
- This is a difficult one.. Some players prefer assasin gear, others prefer just diamond gear. Currently, players use assasin as pvp gear but assasin isn't even gear for pvp fights. When you're wearing a full set of assasin, you get perm speed 2 + perm weakness. The perm speed 2 is very usefull but the weakness makes battles last longer than normal fights. Assasin fights is just trading hits till the durability of one of the sets is gone. This makes pvp a waste of time with assasin. if we look at normal diamond gear, it would be more convenient for pvp fights than assasin cuz diamond gear don't have weakness on it. Assasin is used incorrectly right now, it is more a running set. Diamond is underrated right now cuz people think that assasin is the number one pvp gear but it isn't.

Safezone/neutral area:
-If we look at pvp fights right now, its more like trading hits till someone gonna run (to his own safezone) cuz he will die. You can't even kill people in a normal fight cuz they'll always run away from you if they're going to die. Only with crit/vampire gems (=pay2win), you have a chance to drop someone. Its very annoying when you're fighting someone at warp pvp, who has claims next to warzone. He will run to his own neutral claims cuz other people can't hit him there. (so he escaped the fight and is 'safe') You need to be able to hit people on their own land (they also can hit you ofc). This needs to get fixed if you want nice pvp on kingdoms.

Bowboosting/knockback swords:
- Bowboosting is a very popular thing on Kingdoms, its just a way to escape from ur enemy. You can also use it to reach ur enemy. In my opinion is punch 6 too OP, you can boost yourself over an insane distance with just one shot. The same for knockback 6. The token upgrades for both of them (knockback and puch) need to get removed for better experiences.

Beginners guide?:
- Most of the beginning players don't even know the whole gamemode. In my opninion there need to be a clean tutorial option, this will make the gamemode clearly for everyone and will reduce the number of quitting people.

Disguises (invis glitch):
- People with a rank on kingdoms can disguises themself in a animal/mob. In the past there was a huge glitch with the chicken disguise. Thaat glitch has now been resolved. But they need to fix the whole disguise system cuz its unfair for unranked pvp and in pvp fights (cuz you have permanent invis).

Lag (40+ players):
- If you want a server/gamemode with more players, ur server needs to be able to run without lag if there are more players online at the same time.

- Buying a higher status is very expensive and is a waste of ingame-money cuz you don't receive anything except a prefix. Maybe they can add some extra rewards when you buy a higher status.
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Nice points, I agree on most of these. What are you trying to say though? Do you want a change or are you just giving general information to other players?
I agree with SOME of these points as well. And I believe he's hoping to spark some improvement in the kingdoms gamemode by addressing what it's lacking in.
Gonna take some time and go through this with some comments and counter-points. Stqfu, this isn't aimed at you personally, but more a broader commentary on how the gamemode is being played by most of the kids on it right now. You raise some excellent points in this post, and make some excellent suggestions that I would love to see implemented.

"But less wealthy kingdoms don't even have a change to have a claim right there cuz they don't have enough money/power for it. That means that only old/rich kd's have changes to get claims right there."

- Kingdoms get removed after 14 days with no active players, which means the turnover rate for warzone claims is relatively frequent. If you take your time and look around, and watch patiently for a kingdom to disband, you can grab the claims for free, regardless of your kd rank. Also, most of the claims can be bought for between 100-500k, depending on who has them.

"Beginning kd's don't even have a change to run away cuz all the claims around warzone are claimed by richer/older kd's. This isn't even fair for everyone in pvp fights."
- Almost the entire front section directly out from warp pvp is owned by neutral KDs with either bases aimed towards helping new people, or just open land allowing people to safely exit warzone. On other sides, there are very frequent traps, but across the very front there are only 2 traps to my knowledge across a 50+ chunk area.

"They only need to fix that players cannot sell stupid items on it (for example: dirt blocks, wood etc). If someone wanna buy blocks, there is a shop for it with fair prices. AH is for more special/rare items. If you make this difference between AH and shop, kingdoms will look cleaner."

- 100% agree, will see what I can do about this.

"This pay2win system doesn't matter if you're just building a kingdom, but the main reason that make people playing kingdoms is to get the best kingdom of the server (#1). If you wanna reach that number 1 spot, you need to invade/pvp other kingdoms to achieve resource points but you can't survive in pvp without gems etc. so you can't even achieve resource points by raiding/invading another kd."

- Pvp and raiding is almost completely unrelated. The reason most people don't get anywhere near the #1 spot is that 90% of the active kingdoms are neutral. As the #1 kingdom, we've only really fought pvp fights during raids maybe 2 or 3 times, and I don't think crits or vamps were ever involved. As a player, you can't hide behind a neutral shield and expect to be able to keep up with the people who aren't.
I will say that the pay2win system does very much affect standard warzone pvp, however it's not completely an influence. It is possible to succeed without buying kingdoms keys, though they are definitely the easy way to be good. It's also entirely possible to beat someone with paid gear easily if you take the time and learn the system. Don't expect this to be like kitpvp or Hypixel. This is Kingdoms. It works differently.

"People with a rank on kingdoms can disguises themself in a animal/mob. In the past there was a huge glitch with the chicken disguise. Thaat glitch has now been resolved. But they need to fix the whole disguise system cuz its unfair for unranked pvp and in pvp fights (cuz you have permanent invis)."

-Not really sure on this. It was a major issue, but since it's been fixed, I haven't really seen it being used in pvp very much. Currently if you get hit while disguised, you undisguise immediately. Seems decently balanced to me since it no longer allows for perm invis.

- Curious to know if it's in part due to server location, I know most of you guys are EU and the server is hosted in NA. Could also be due to under powered hardware, or inefficiencies in the plugins. Also, just because you're lagging doesn't mean everyone is lagging. I've spent a lot of time in warzone during peak times, and sometimes I've seen lag when other people have been complaining, and sometimes not.

- Seriously needs a rework, let's come up with some ideas for ways to make this work better. Anyone else, feel free to contribute, it'd be super cool to see this system being actually useful.

Just some notes, might add more later if I think of anything else. Once again, not aimed at anyone specifically, just general comments on the gamemode.
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Nice points, I agree on most of these. What are you trying to say though? Do you want a change or are you just giving general information to other players?
Its more like highlighting some points, I hope that somethings like the pay2win system get changed cuz that's one of main problems. I just wrote down some points in my opinion but also points that I heard from other people. I don't agree 100% with them all, but its more to give an overview of the 'main' problems on Kingdoms right now.. On Kingdoms you could see a low player amount. Some points above let players quit the gamemode/server.
Thank you for taking the time to read this post
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I agree with SOME of these points as well. And I believe he's hoping to spark some improvement in the kingdoms gamemode by addressing what it's lacking in.
Its just to give an overview of the 'main' problems right now, I don't agree 100% with all the points above. I just listed up some points in my opinion and also from other players in general.
Thank you for taking the time to read this post
Gonna take some time and go through this with some comments and counter-points. Stqfu, this isn't aimed at you personally, but more a broader commentary on how the gamemode is being played by most of the kids on it right now. You raise some excellent points in this post, and make some excellent suggestions that I would love to see implemented.

"But less wealthy kingdoms don't even have a change to have a claim right there cuz they don't have enough money/power for it. That means that only old/rich kd's have changes to get claims right there."

- Kingdoms get removed after 14 days with no active players, which means the turnover rate for warzone claims is relatively frequent. If you take your time and look around, and watch patiently for a kingdom to disband, you can grab the claims for free, regardless of your kd rank. Also, most of the claims can be bought for between 100-500k, depending on who has them.

"Beginning kd's don't even have a change to run away cuz all the claims around warzone are claimed by richer/older kd's. This isn't even fair for everyone in pvp fights."
- Almost the entire front section directly out from warp pvp is owned by neutral KDs with either bases aimed towards helping new people, or just open land allowing people to safely exit warzone. On other sides, there are very frequent traps, but across the very front there are only 2 traps to my knowledge across a 50+ chunk area.

"They only need to fix that players cannot sell stupid items on it (for example: dirt blocks, wood etc). If someone wanna buy blocks, there is a shop for it with fair prices. AH is for more special/rare items. If you make this difference between AH and shop, kingdoms will look cleaner."

- 100% agree, will see what I can do about this.

"This pay2win system doesn't matter if you're just building a kingdom, but the main reason that make people playing kingdoms is to get the best kingdom of the server (#1). If you wanna reach that number 1 spot, you need to invade/pvp other kingdoms to achieve resource points but you can't survive in pvp without gems etc. so you can't even achieve resource points by raiding/invading another kd."

- Pvp and raiding is almost completely unrelated. The reason most people don't get anywhere near the #1 spot is that 90% of the active kingdoms are neutral. As the #1 kingdom, we've only really fought pvp fights during raids maybe 2 or 3 times, and I don't think crits or vamps were ever involved. As a player, you can't hide behind a neutral shield and expect to be able to keep up with the people who aren't.
I will say that the pay2win system does very much affect standard warzone pvp, however it's not completely an influence. It is possible to succeed without buying kingdoms keys, though they are definitely the easy way to be good. It's also entirely possible to beat someone with paid gear easily if you take the time and learn the system. Don't expect this to be like kitpvp or Hypixel. This is Kingdoms. It works differently.

"People with a rank on kingdoms can disguises themself in a animal/mob. In the past there was a huge glitch with the chicken disguise. Thaat glitch has now been resolved. But they need to fix the whole disguise system cuz its unfair for unranked pvp and in pvp fights (cuz you have permanent invis)."

-Not really sure on this. It was a major issue, but since it's been fixed, I haven't really seen it being used in pvp very much. Currently if you get hit while disguised, you undisguise immediately. Seems decently balanced to me since it no longer allows for perm invis.

- Curious to know if it's in part due to server location, I know most of you guys are EU and the server is hosted in NA. Could also be due to under powered hardware, or inefficiencies in the plugins. Also, just because you're lagging doesn't mean everyone is lagging. I've spent a lot of time in warzone during peak times, and sometimes I've seen lag when other people have been complaining, and sometimes not.

- Seriously needs a rework, let's come up with some ideas for ways to make this work better. Anyone else, feel free to contribute, it'd be super cool to see this system being actually useful.

Just some notes, might add more later if I think of anything else. Once again, not aimed at anyone specifically, just general comments on the gamemode.
We prob think the same of the most things.
Only a few things:
- With trapzone next to warp pvp, I mean Eastside and Westside. Both of the sides have only traps next to warzone. People use this traps to run to if they will not survive a fight at warp pvp (=safezone). This is an unfair adventage next to ur enemy's. If you're fighting, you need to finish that fight.
- The older kd's get removed after 14 days.. Thats 100% true but some kd's only have 1 player that comes online once in 14 days. This kingdoms have usefull claims that they don't use. Its more like if you're playing kingdoms.. you need to play active and you don't come only online once to let ur kingdom alive. If they are only online once at 14 days, you don't even have the chance to buy that claims.
Thank you for reading this post
why tryhard for kingdoms lol its ded pls focus on prison
cant tell if troll reply or not. the point of writing a post for the improvement of kingdoms is to suggest balanced content that will revive the gamemode. "its ded" is just a mindless comment.
Gonna take some time and go through this with some comments and counter-points. Stqfu, this isn't aimed at you personally, but more a broader commentary on how the gamemode is being played by most of the kids on it right now. You raise some excellent points in this post, and make some excellent suggestions that I would love to see implemented.

"But less wealthy kingdoms don't even have a change to have a claim right there cuz they don't have enough money/power for it. That means that only old/rich kd's have changes to get claims right there."

- Kingdoms get removed after 14 days with no active players, which means the turnover rate for warzone claims is relatively frequent. If you take your time and look around, and watch patiently for a kingdom to disband, you can grab the claims for free, regardless of your kd rank. Also, most of the claims can be bought for between 100-500k, depending on who has them.

"Beginning kd's don't even have a change to run away cuz all the claims around warzone are claimed by richer/older kd's. This isn't even fair for everyone in pvp fights."
- Almost the entire front section directly out from warp pvp is owned by neutral KDs with either bases aimed towards helping new people, or just open land allowing people to safely exit warzone. On other sides, there are very frequent traps, but across the very front there are only 2 traps to my knowledge across a 50+ chunk area.

"They only need to fix that players cannot sell stupid items on it (for example: dirt blocks, wood etc). If someone wanna buy blocks, there is a shop for it with fair prices. AH is for more special/rare items. If you make this difference between AH and shop, kingdoms will look cleaner."

- 100% agree, will see what I can do about this.

"This pay2win system doesn't matter if you're just building a kingdom, but the main reason that make people playing kingdoms is to get the best kingdom of the server (#1). If you wanna reach that number 1 spot, you need to invade/pvp other kingdoms to achieve resource points but you can't survive in pvp without gems etc. so you can't even achieve resource points by raiding/invading another kd."

- Pvp and raiding is almost completely unrelated. The reason most people don't get anywhere near the #1 spot is that 90% of the active kingdoms are neutral. As the #1 kingdom, we've only really fought pvp fights during raids maybe 2 or 3 times, and I don't think crits or vamps were ever involved. As a player, you can't hide behind a neutral shield and expect to be able to keep up with the people who aren't.
I will say that the pay2win system does very much affect standard warzone pvp, however it's not completely an influence. It is possible to succeed without buying kingdoms keys, though they are definitely the easy way to be good. It's also entirely possible to beat someone with paid gear easily if you take the time and learn the system. Don't expect this to be like kitpvp or Hypixel. This is Kingdoms. It works differently.

"People with a rank on kingdoms can disguises themself in a animal/mob. In the past there was a huge glitch with the chicken disguise. Thaat glitch has now been resolved. But they need to fix the whole disguise system cuz its unfair for unranked pvp and in pvp fights (cuz you have permanent invis)."

-Not really sure on this. It was a major issue, but since it's been fixed, I haven't really seen it being used in pvp very much. Currently if you get hit while disguised, you undisguise immediately. Seems decently balanced to me since it no longer allows for perm invis.

- Curious to know if it's in part due to server location, I know most of you guys are EU and the server is hosted in NA. Could also be due to under powered hardware, or inefficiencies in the plugins. Also, just because you're lagging doesn't mean everyone is lagging. I've spent a lot of time in warzone during peak times, and sometimes I've seen lag when other people have been complaining, and sometimes not.

- Seriously needs a rework, let's come up with some ideas for ways to make this work better. Anyone else, feel free to contribute, it'd be super cool to see this system being actually useful.

Just some notes, might add more later if I think of anything else. Once again, not aimed at anyone specifically, just general comments on the gamemode.
Just saying cloak wont do anything about it
Hello everyone

I wanna highlight some points that ensures problems in the main system of Kingdoms. (Unfair adventages)

Pay2Win system:
- The Pay2Win system is probably one of the most important points that ensures problems.
- If we look at the current pvp: only players with gems (flaming, vampire, critical and forcefull) + upgraded armor/swords (protection 6, unbreaking 6 etc.) will survive.
You can get upgraded armor/gems from the token shop or from a kingdoms crate. If you wanna get tokens/kingdoms crate keys you need to spend a lot of irl-money (you can also get it out of a vote crate with a lot of luck/patience). Alright I understand that the cloak wanna make a bit of money with his server. But make everything payable isn't a fair way of playing a gamemode like Kingdoms. This gamemode needs to have a grinding method (not only p2w), it will be nice if you need to grind to achieve or receive something. This will make it fair for beginners too. Starting players can't do most of the time anything if they don't spend money (In my opinion that isn't a fair way to play a gamemode like Kingdoms). A solution for this problem could be to add rare envoys with tokens/gems in it. Another solution could be to add achievements with rewards. That sounds fairer for everyone in my opinion.
- Selling gems is a good way to make fast money, cuz it is a lot of money worth (ingame money). The gems come ingame by people who buy a bunch of kd keys (= spend a lot money). But there isn't even a possibility for a starting player to buy those items and to make money. This will make players quitting the server/gamemode. If many players quit, other players will quit too cuz the gamemode/server will be boring with a few people left.
- This pay2win system doesn't matter if you're just building a kingdom, but the main reason that make people playing kingdoms is to get the best kingdom of the server (#1). If you wanna reach that number 1 spot, you need to invade/pvp other kingdoms to achieve resource points but you can't survive in pvp without gems etc. so you can't even achieve resource points by raiding/invading another kd.

Zone next to warzone:
- If you are in walking next to warp pvp, into the pvp zone, you need to walk a bunch of blocks to get out of the warzone (next to warzone = building zone, the zone where you can claim land and have the possibility to build). In kingdoms on Foxcraft, there are only traps of the same kd's net to the warzone. We aren't even playing on a faction server so all that traps aren't necessary. People only uses their traps next to warzone, to be safe for their enemy's (=safezone) or to trap other poeple. But less wealthy kingdoms don't even have a change to have a claim right there cuz they don't have enough money/power for it. That means that only old/rich kd's have changes to get claims right there. Beginning kd's don't even have a change to run away cuz all the claims around warzone are claimed by richer/older kd's. This isn't even fair for everyone in pvp fights.

- If you wanna have a minion, you always needs to pay irl-money for it. In my opinion the minion is more a skyblock item, cuz skyblock is a gamemode where you need to farm/build an island. On Kingdoms they need to focus more on pvp/kingdoms fights. (Not on minions that are used for farms) Minions in Kingdoms would also make it too easy for pay2win players, they only need to buy one. Farming items like sugarcane etc aren't the only items you can sll to make money.. On kingdoms you can sell swords/gear that you have received by killing mobs. (zombie/skeleton spawner: 20-30k/each -> not a lot of ingame-money)

Warp pvp + combat glitching:
- If you look to the warp pvp of Kingdoms, it could be nicer cuz the warp pvp right now looks a bit empty with nothing special in it. Alright there is a parcour in warp pvp but that parcour isn't even good. I mean the whole area on the parcour is safezone? Than you are litteraly asking for players to do combat glitches with the parcour. The whole parcour area doesn't need to be safezone, it needs to be pvp area too. That will make fights at warp pvp nicer.

Auction house(AH):
- AH is a good manner te sell things/to make money. They only need to fix that players cannot sell stupid items on it (for example: dirt blocks, wood etc). If someone wanna buy blocks, there is a shop for it with fair prices. AH is for more special/rare items. If you make this difference between AH and shop, kingdoms will look cleaner.

Assasin gear:
- This is a difficult one.. Some players prefer assasin gear, others prefer just diamond gear. Currently, players use assasin as pvp gear but assasin isn't even gear for pvp fights. When you're wearing a full set of assasin, you get perm speed 2 + perm weakness. The perm speed 2 is very usefull but the weakness makes battles last longer than normal fights. Assasin fights is just trading hits till the durability of one of the sets is gone. This makes pvp a waste of time with assasin. if we look at normal diamond gear, it would be more convenient for pvp fights than assasin cuz diamond gear don't have weakness on it. Assasin is used incorrectly right now, it is more a running set. Diamond is underrated right now cuz people think that assasin is the number one pvp gear but it isn't.

Safezone/neutral area:
-If we look at pvp fights right now, its more like trading hits till someone gonna run (to his own safezone) cuz he will die. You can't even kill people in a normal fight cuz they'll always run away from you if they're going to die. Only with crit/vampire gems (=pay2win), you have a chance to drop someone. Its very annoying when you're fighting someone at warp pvp, who has claims next to warzone. He will run to his own neutral claims cuz other people can't hit him there. (so he escaped the fight and is 'safe') You need to be able to hit people on their own land (they also can hit you ofc). This needs to get fixed if you want nice pvp on kingdoms.

Bowboosting/knockback swords:
- Bowboosting is a very popular thing on Kingdoms, its just a way to escape from ur enemy. You can also use it to reach ur enemy. In my opinion is punch 6 too OP, you can boost yourself over an insane distance with just one shot. The same for knockback 6. The token upgrades for both of them (knockback and puch) need to get removed for better experiences.

Beginners guide?:
- Most of the beginning players don't even know the whole gamemode. In my opninion there need to be a clean tutorial option, this will make the gamemode clearly for everyone and will reduce the number of quitting people.

Disguises (invis glitch):
- People with a rank on kingdoms can disguises themself in a animal/mob. In the past there was a huge glitch with the chicken disguise. Thaat glitch has now been resolved. But they need to fix the whole disguise system cuz its unfair for unranked pvp and in pvp fights (cuz you have permanent invis).

Lag (40+ players):
- If you want a server/gamemode with more players, ur server needs to be able to run without lag if there are more players online at the same time.

- Buying a higher status is very expensive and is a waste of ingame-money cuz you don't receive anything except a prefix. Maybe they can add some extra rewards when you buy a higher status.
Cloak wont do anything lol
He gets his money and Kingdom dies
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