Hello everyone, I hope you are all doing great!
I caught covid last week and took it easy for a few days, but I'm feeling fine currently.
I'm stoked to announce a second addition (server) to our Kingdoms server line-up that focuses more on the PVP & invading aspect of Kingdoms. Neutral kingdoms will be fully disabled on this new kingdoms server.
The reason I'm splitting up kingdoms is because I believe it's healthier for both kingdoms to have distinct separating features, and not have them mix & matched on one server. My goal is to offer 1 kingdoms server focused on team based building, roleplay and economy. The other kingdoms server will be focused on pvp, gathering loot, invading & expanding kingdoms. I've tried to please both these type of players with 1 kingdoms server, but realized it's not feasible as invading basically became nonexistent, resulting in a fun part of the game not being played.
Let's get into the nitty gritty details of the new kingdoms empire server:
- OG spawn (roman inspired spawn)
- 1.8 pvp
- custom (iris) 1.18.2 world generation (A LOT of unique biomes)
- 5k x 5k worldborder
- 200+ enchantments
- Consolidated good items from fortune crate into legendary crate
- Added rank crate
- Updated starter kit
- More accurate /wild (teleports in a radius from spawn now)
- No level plugins (like mcmmo)
- Simplified /shop
- Neutral kingdoms disabled
Important changes recently made to invading:
- You must declare kingdom as enemy first before you can invade it
- You can only invade claims that have wilderness or other kingdom owned claims next to them (edge claims)
- Every new kingdom has a 24h invasion protection, purpose of this timer is to give new kingdoms a chance to build up.
Release date & time:
EU TIME: Saturday 4PM CEST (07-05-2022)
Looking forward to seeing more action & plotting on kingdoms!
Kind regards,
PS: Follow our tiktok account we will be uploading content soon!
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