Kingdom sucks, here is why.

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Feb 17, 2020
a freshwater river
Alright first of I am back (sorta). Second of: I instantly noticed how BAD kingdom really is.

I started playing and the first thing I noticed was fishing being meta, and within a week it was nerfed into the ground. Personally a big bummer, but not many people are affected by this. Instead of nerfing fishing, simply nerf droprates of cod from dolphinspawner/ nerf sell price of rawcod, not the entire fishing system. ty <3.

After noticing this I heard stories about shulkers filled with ingame money. Which is absolutely absurd; if you really think about it. Last season after 6months of playing the server total balance reached around 90mil. Within a week of this new season it's already there. This should show that there's something wrong with the economy, or that players are agressively duping. Eitherway it's not good for long jevity.

And third of the PvP. Yikes 1.9+ PvP. But it's a bit more than simply that. I understand that there is a part of the community that doesn't want any raiding or PvP and another that likes those aspects, but merging them simply makes it so that players will stores their goodloot on the non raid world, and make shitty farms on the agressive PvP world. Making this current version, not good for the more competitive players; which I like to see myself as one.

It's not remotely simular to the OLD kingdom which everyone misses. It's not refreshing since meta hasn't changed, it's simply a poor reset, with a few design flaws and random nerfs. I'd like a smooth launch next-time. I'll be waiting/ and hoping for the buff of fishing, because fish META is actually fun. To give credit were it's due, the idea is not bad but how it's implemented is. I like the worlds idea, but would have simply made players choose between a world, and that they can only play on there with maybe a general trading area. So it's more seperate and it's actually high-risk -> high-reward as intended. Anyway love you Cloak nothing person, hope that kingdom will relive it's glorytimes with the cringy PW2 critgems, killjoy like empires and stupid spawntraps.


-check traantjes thread for good feedback, just pointing out my first few hours of playing after quitting for maybe 1-2years.
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