Kingdom server

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I don't know what u want to say with this ''every hit or something or kinda never rn''
Even with just a prot 4 unbrk 3 set u shouldn't be getting 1 tapped?
You should get 1tabbed in a prot 4 set. you need the custom enchants to survive, I have never got 1tabbed without a backstab crit this season because my set is actually good...
You should get 1tabbed in a prot 4 set. you need the custom enchants to survive, I have never got 1tabbed without a backstab crit this season because my set is actually good...

so you have been one-tapped in max gear? but the only thing they had to do was hit you from the back and jump?
so you have been one-tapped in max gear? but the only thing they had to do was hit you from the back and jump?
Yea but that's kinda normal and ez to prevent. Just don't turn your back on your enemy + it's not even always a 1tab. I started in season 2 of kingdoms so I only know the custom enchant system and every way to do more dmg and take less, when you know how to PvP with the enchants and not just straightup crit someone like most people are doing it will be fun + just get totems so you will only pop. Last season you would just pop 8x in a fight before you died.
But cloak should fix the skill system so max fighting will give like a 25% buff and not 100% or something
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Maybe to get raiding back just turn raiding on in the Elysium world and make the claims like 50 each, keep the other world aswell with cheaper claims and a smaller border so no one loses their base. For raiding maybe add that you can buy a shield but your shield will be disabled when you are online and will enable again when you are offline for half a hour (maybe k upgrades to make it shorter) this way we won't need a reset but we can still raid.
Maybe to get raiding back just turn raiding on in the Elysium world and make the claims like 50 each, keep the other world aswell with cheaper claims and a smaller border so no one loses their base. For raiding maybe add that you can buy a shield but your shield will be disabled when you are online and will enable again when you are offline for half a hour (maybe k upgrades to make it shorter) this way we won't need a reset but we can still raid.
big fan of the shield part, with right perportions it could work
+1 but the assassin armor was kinda mwah because the only good thing was assassin the other custom armor and kits from rank/diamond armor was usseless.
if we look at the player count when there was no custom enchant just basic diamond 1.8 pvp with tokens for more then 2 years there were like minimal of 15+ people online.
now every reset within 1 or 2 months there was and will be a max of 5 players.
part of the reason is that players when they die dont want to spend 1 or hour making a new set because if we are realistic we can't raid anybody 95% of the good players have neutral claims and thats now a bigger problem because making sets is boring as ...
Hey cloak.
Things u should really really think about.
Why arent' there spawn clames?
What is the point of the pvp area? When u can't lose the gear.
What is fun on a kingdom server when the swords are always 1 tap or 3 tap ( just to overpowerd)
Why is a pvp server on 1.9 pvp? Honestly this sucks
The no pvp world on a kingdoms server? -> u should really remove it.
Bring back the old school pvp.
I think most of the community doesn't like the 1 tap swords with the custom enchants or the overpowerd gear.
Remove custom enchants
Bring back tokens like 2019 don't make them P2W make sure the tokens are accessible for everyone.
based asf P2W wasn't to bad it was making sure there was an economy. critgems still allowed for some normal PvP, and assassin gear wasn't to over the top; in contrary to the current gear. sad to see a goodthing get f*cked so bad.
It's honestly sad that people call this active...
Last season on the most active time every day we had 15/20 people online max... Now 40 I like the improvement if you don't like the server just quit
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