Just wondering were everyone is from

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In my opinion, no one should give out personal information about themselves. It could leave to something horrible such as death.
Suburb actually
For some reason I thought you said Scrub xD
In my opinion, no one should give out personal information about themselves. It could leave to something horrible such as death.
That is true but it is their decision :) They can tell little personal information or a lot. But they should be smart and cautious at the same time :D
He is annoying as ****....
He is annoying to some players but he has a good side as well :P
For some reason I thought you said Scrub xD
That is true but it is their decision :) They can tell little personal information or a lot. But they should be smart and cautious at the same time :D
He is annoying to some players but he has a good side as well :p
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