Just a question

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New Member
Mar 11, 2016
So my main account SuicidalHounds was hacked, and I brought it up. Sadly, last time I asked for help here someone thought I was asking you to get the account back so here we are again. (I hope this is a somewhat good place to ask this, although I'm not entirely sure)
I'm using another account (WHSJAchamp) and was wondering if my Skyblock island could be tied to this account. I've spent a while on it, and I think even just checking the IP I use when I log on would give you enough information. I'll happily answer some questions about my other accounts activity if it gives you sufficient proof to let me back on (if thats even possible).
Thanks for any help in the future :3
So my main account SuicidalHounds was hacked, and I brought it up. Sadly, last time I asked for help here someone thought I was asking you to get the account back so here we are again. (I hope this is a somewhat good place to ask this, although I'm not entirely sure)
I'm using another account (WHSJAchamp) and was wondering if my Skyblock island could be tied to this account. I've spent a while on it, and I think even just checking the IP I use when I log on would give you enough information. I'll happily answer some questions about my other accounts activity if it gives you sufficient proof to let me back on (if thats even possible).
Thanks for any help in the future :3
PM @cloakfox about this
So my main account SuicidalHounds was hacked, and I brought it up. Sadly, last time I asked for help here someone thought I was asking you to get the account back so here we are again. (I hope this is a somewhat good place to ask this, although I'm not entirely sure)
I'm using another account (WHSJAchamp) and was wondering if my Skyblock island could be tied to this account. I've spent a while on it, and I think even just checking the IP I use when I log on would give you enough information. I'll happily answer some questions about my other accounts activity if it gives you sufficient proof to let me back on (if thats even possible).
Thanks for any help in the future :3
The island can be given to your account, yes but you might never get your main account back sorry...
I think we can give it back to you. We can probably match IPs and get your island back. Unfortunately, we cannot do anything about your main account. Sorry.
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I would be so mad if my account got hacked, I can't imagine what you're going through. Especially if you donated to servers in the past. I hope everything works out!
You'll probably never get your main account back as I lost one of my alts, just to keep this from ever happening I change my password every few weeks.
I've pretty much given up hope, Mojang has such terrible support I can't get beyond an automatic response. But I'll be sure to consider changing my password more often, thanks for the tip!
I would be so mad if my account got hacked, I can't imagine what you're going through. Especially if you donated to servers in the past. I hope everything works out!
I was beyond mad when I learnt about it, all I know now some kid is enjoying it. I was about to donate when I logged in, and learnt I was hacked so I'm glad I realised before hand. Thank you :3 Hopefully it does.
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