If you didn't know I basically live on the Foxcraft Creative server, but that wasn't how it started. Back in 2014, my cousin said to me: " Tabby wanna check out this cool skywars server." My initial thought was, great another game I can die in. But being the kind, and he says annoying, cousin I am I agreed. We clicked onto the server and landed in the hub, which at the time, I am so sorry cloak, looked no where near as nice as it does now. Anyhow I was there. Then for the next 5 minutes I tried to figure out how to join, eventually realising that you had to click the beacon to get to the skywars lobby. We played for a bit and then I decided that I wanted to head onto a creative server I always played on. It wouldn't be for another two years and a half till I changed from that creative server to Foxcraft and that was mainly because it not going to shut down. So here I am now 2 and a half years later, with a great community of friends from so many places. I can actually say I have more friends in this community than in real life, that may sound bad but it's not, it's great. Here are some photos from 2015 onwards.