Is AFKing prohibited?

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Mar 29, 2019
United States
Just wanted to make sure I'm not gonna be doing anything wrong is I either A) wait afk at my farms and grinders accumulating loot and goods and B) AFKing while smelting several dozen stacks of items
AFKing is fully allowed on our server, however the use of auto-clicker and other similar common AFK modifications are prohibited. :)

-Yoahi, Moderator
I presume autoclickers encompasses real life gadgets and not just programs? (I made a little contraption that holds down left click on my laptop touchpad while AFKing)
I presume autoclickers encompasses real life gadgets and not just programs? (I made a little contraption that holds down left click on my laptop touchpad while AFKing)
Holding down a button is allowed. Just not auto clicking which uses software and literally "auto clicks".
I presume autoclickers encompasses real life gadgets and not just programs? (I made a little contraption that holds down left click on my laptop touchpad while AFKing)
If you’re doing that to afk mine or something like that, that is fine. Apart from that if you are selling something whilst being afk it is bannable.
If you’re doing that to afk mine or something like that, that is fine. Apart from that if you are selling something whilst being afk it is bannable.
So if u afk iron then go and sell the iron u get banned?????
So if u afk iron then go and sell the iron u get banned?????
People build farms where the iron automatically falls into your inventory, people just sell automatically with a autoclicker and just afk. So that's why it's bannable.
People build farms where the iron automatically falls into your inventory, people just sell automatically with a autoclicker and just afk. So that's why it's bannable.
So if one afks and collects the goods from a chest after an afk session to be sold is that illegal or is it not?
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