Info only - Missing netherite pickaxe from player vault 1

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Jul 16, 2021
Perris, CA
2 days ago my fully loaded netherite pick-axe named: cewallace diapered from my pv 1, just to be sure I checked all chest on my claimed lands and have not found it, it was strange that I just placed in the pv and with in a hour I went back to get it and it was gone, Dont know if anyone else is experiencing issues with player vault, so just info only, it's replaceable as all things in Minecraft are giving time.
Playervault doesn't have such bugs, it's most likely laying around somewhere else.
sorry to bust your bubble but yea Playervault does lose items if the server crashes just before it saves the data, and the server crashed twice that day. I am a old serer owner I have knowage of all the plugins that are out there and it's hidden secrets. thanks anyway.
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