idea's for skyblock and bug

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May 25, 2016
I play for a long time(9months +-) on this server and i still want 3 things that makes the server more fun to play
1. /block or /ingot (maybe mysticfox+)is
2. /token withdraw back in to the game ( if that won't happend maybe fortune 3+ back in the game)
3. /offline i have the problem that dutch people aks me all the time things i about the server but i dont want to igore them so i help them of there was a butten that i was offline for the chat or in the tap would be nice

And my problem
fix that ad thing i can't want it in the Netherland -_- this is what i get al the time
1. Wrong section
2. 9 months isnt long, ive played Foxcraft for 3 - 4 years
3. Disable your chat in the settings if you rly want too
4. /block has been requested many times and Foxcraft has already said that adding this will make players lazy instead of making them in a workbench they do /block, same reason why /sell all or /sell hand wont get added

I play for a long time(9months +-) on this server and i still want 3 things that makes the server more fun to play
1. /block or /ingot (maybe mysticfox+)is
2. /token withdraw back in to the game ( if that won't happend maybe fortune 3+ back in the game)
3. /offline i have the problem that dutch people aks me all the time things i about the server but i dont want to igore them so i help them of there was a butten that i was offline for the chat or in the tap would be nice

And my problem
fix that ad thing i can't want it in the Netherland -_- this is what i get al the time
Wrong place!!! rip thees kidz
1. Wrong section
2. 9 months isnt long, ive played Foxcraft for 3 - 4 years
3. Disable your chat in the settings if you rly want too
4. /block has been requested many times and Foxcraft has already said that adding this will make players lazy instead of making them in a workbench they do /block, same reason why /sell all or /sell hand wont get added

2. it not how long i play it about the /token withdraw :P
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