Ideas for EULA compliance

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I'd suggest Cloakfox to get a couple of people who have a good idea of what the EULA is and who have a good idea on how to work with it and make the server better give ideas in a private conversation or something. In this thread anyone will just disagree with each other and you won't really get any further, and then you decide or come up with something yourself and it just won't be as good as the players want it to be, but that's my opinion.
Make it so that in KitPvp, donors just get more money per kill and give them cosmetics. Then, make it so that all kits are available for everyone and simply make the higher ones overpriced(ish). That way, it is not "Pay-to-Win", but simply "Pay-to-progress-slightly-faster-and-look-cool-while-you-do-it".
Maybe you can make the same mines in donor as the normal users would get in prison. If the reset happens, the mines will probably be flooded with people, so having a nice, empty mine would be a great addition for donors and isn't p2w at all.
There is indeed two sides but as far as I know the side that wants old kitpvp quit so... can you tell me where the "other group" is I don't ever see them on Kitpvp. Anyways I think the people who have been on this server for a long time deserve what we want after all we have not left unlike the random 0-6 people on Kitpvp every day that never come back. They loitter in spawn so I don't think they will stay.

Please do as the community wishes if you want most of your players back. The only people on the other side are people who don't even play it and come from Creative etc. They always say "if there is a reset I'm sure to join" and then you never see them.

'' TRUE "
/seen thepowerofsix
'last online 3 months ago'

I really don't know any new stuff, haven't checked out the new kitpvp, but I'm just pressing the 'agree' button :D
Or prison or creative, nothing lolol
Well as you can see, everyone is going crazy over the old kitpvp map. So I'm pretty sure you know that kitpvp is dead right now, so maybe if you do bring back the old kitpvp it would bring up the player count, as those were the peak days for Foxcraft, especially kitpvp. Lately, you have been updating the kitpvp with bigger, fancier maps. But that is the opposite of what most players want, and I don't think big and fancy really suits Foxcraft that well. I would love to see the old map back, just like everyone else. The one where everything wasn't perfectly designed, and not everything made sense. You jumped down into a big desert with forest, mush, jungle and ice to the sides with lava tower and archer tower in the desert. Those were my favorite times.
Make factions like old factions. No custom enchants and all the OP stuff. Then you won't have to make ig spawners cost 2million. Wasn't the goal to make factions less OP?
I'm Sorry to say this MCFOXCRAFT is Pay2Win don't ban me for saying this.
Are you okay? Like for real it is implied that Foxcraft is pay to win in the post lol.
Just a general point:
I like all the idea's posted so far, I didn't want to like farm however, I want to make a point, all the people wanting old KitPvP back, it may not happen. I have heard Leon say that:

And, as I have said before Leon has said:

Although, this might be essential to getting the player population back, that is what Leon said in a public TS3 sub-server.
(Sorry for taking your point @Faast just saw it) Adding more "non-donor friendly" kits to Skywars with the same price as Foxking kits to equal competition :)
For Example:

  1. Kit Pyro
  2. Kit Archer
  3. Kit Demon
All these kits added back would be great for the population!
It's true, there will always be 2 groups. But the side in which players want old KitPvP back has escalated, and there's not many people on KitPvP nowadays.
Idk if I missed a another post or something but I lost my Skyfox rank that I've had for almost a year..... Even tho it said that already purchased ranks would not be taken away. Help please ?
Idk if I missed a another post or something but I lost my Skyfox rank that I've had for almost a year..... Even tho it said that already purchased ranks would not be taken away. Help please ?
We all lost our skyfox ranks. You have to make a thread in the donation support area to get it back.
They are talking about the old old KitPvP from when you were not even in the server
I don't think you have
[doublepost=1462154862][/doublepost]I would also agree with the others on this point : Please bring old KitPvP back. (And yes I was there at old KitPvP)
I rememer when I first joined it was just a small square platform, but I can't remember so much but there it was a small jump platform with the kit click signs.
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