To give some back story, recently my Minecraft account with my old gmail was hacked. I have tried everything but nothing seems to work in recuperating my account. Therefore after continuously failing to get my account back, i just bought another account. I was wondering if admin can ban the hacked account (iiReactz) and help me get all my stuff back and give it to my new account. I was a foxking, had many farms, had about 6 million in in game cash, and ect. I simply feel cheated out of all my hard work and money currently as my new account has nothing. I currently have no sense of fun or enjoyment on the server as there is a residing feeling of sadness and disappointment that all my hard work was taken from me by a hack. I request assistance from admins or anyone desperately. I want to continue playing on the server as i sincerely enjoy it, but with the current circumstance that I'm in, I simply am not able to have as much fun as I used to. I would appreciate it if any admin were to help me recuperate all my stolen/lost items.