i miss the old Foxcraft :(

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Mar 7, 2016
Hi it's me.. GlazedBear

I don't even play Minecraft anymore, and besides the recent log in I had after my 16th birthday, I barely log into this website.
I just came to say how much I miss the old times on this server. Before Prison and KitPvP's disastrous changes.
Before connor12568 was replaced by tons of Managers who all failed to keep their job for at least 1.5 years.
When there were moderators like runbutterrun, rcmrocks2. When KitPvP had tons of kits that actually made the game fun.
When OG players like ProbationZ (who is a helper now.. congrats!), Baest, and everyone from my old Skype call loyally played.
When player reports were public and people would argue over whether or not the evidence was sufficient.
When Foxcraft would hit high numbers like 500 players on weekdays.
When Donor ranks were actually global.

I think I've proven my point.. I miss old Foxcraft.
But then again.. this thread will be thrown out. Quite... shocking how you can throw out over 50% of your OG players due to horrible revamps and additions to the server.
But anyways. I'll log out for another few months. If any of my OG friends still play... hi, I miss you!! I've been living lavish lately. If you want to still talk, DM me on instagram @calebneedsprivacy.
And you can close this thread if you'd like. I'm sure it will get closed.. I truly won't be surprised. Sorry to say it though, running from the truth isn't gonna help anything.

Alright.. bye <3
Hi it's me.. GlazedBear

I don't even play Minecraft anymore, and besides the recent log in I had after my 16th birthday, I barely log into this website.
I just came to say how much I miss the old times on this server. Before Prison and KitPvP's disastrous changes.
Before connor12568 was replaced by tons of Managers who all failed to keep their job for at least 1.5 years.
When there were moderators like runbutterrun, rcmrocks2. When KitPvP had tons of kits that actually made the game fun.
When OG players like ProbationZ (who is a helper now.. congrats!), Baest, and everyone from my old Skype call loyally played.
When player reports were public and people would argue over whether or not the evidence was sufficient.
When Foxcraft would hit high numbers like 500 players on weekdays.
When Donor ranks were actually global.

I think I've proven my point.. I miss old Foxcraft.
But then again.. this thread will be thrown out. Quite... shocking how you can throw out over 50% of your OG players due to horrible revamps and additions to the server.
But anyways. I'll log out for another few months. If any of my OG friends still play... hi, I miss you!! I've been living lavish lately. If you want to still talk, DM me on instagram @calebneedsprivacy.
And you can close this thread if you'd like. I'm sure it will get closed.. I truly won't be surprised. Sorry to say it though, running from the truth isn't gonna help anything.

Alright.. bye <3
People didn’t leave because of horrible changes, they left because they moved on or grew up. Changes are being made every second, not only on fox craft but life in general. People just need to learn how to adapt to those changes and if not, leave which sadly happened.

Og’s got replaced by new people and now there’s another batch of people joining the community. Another wave of Dutch players which slowly turn mcfoxcraft.com into mcfoxcraft.nl. Is there anyone to blame? No not really, cloak just does what he needs to do to keep this server up and running.
you may be reminiscing of old times on Minecraft and Foxcraft, but the underlying idea, for most of us I think, is the longing for that carefree bliss of childhood.not even necessarily childhood, but put more specifically, just times when we had less to worry about, times when playing our fav minecraft servers was our main priority after getting home from school, dang i miss it so much man.

yeah, unfortunately Foxcraft has changed, imo for the worst but who am i to say? oh well
Hi it's me.. GlazedBear

I don't even play Minecraft anymore, and besides the recent log in I had after my 16th birthday, I barely log into this website.
I just came to say how much I miss the old times on this server. Before Prison and KitPvP's disastrous changes.
Before connor12568 was replaced by tons of Managers who all failed to keep their job for at least 1.5 years.
When there were moderators like runbutterrun, rcmrocks2. When KitPvP had tons of kits that actually made the game fun.
When OG players like ProbationZ (who is a helper now.. congrats!), Baest, and everyone from my old Skype call loyally played.
When player reports were public and people would argue over whether or not the evidence was sufficient.
When Foxcraft would hit high numbers like 500 players on weekdays.
When Donor ranks were actually global.

I think I've proven my point.. I miss old Foxcraft.
But then again.. this thread will be thrown out. Quite... shocking how you can throw out over 50% of your OG players due to horrible revamps and additions to the server.
But anyways. I'll log out for another few months. If any of my OG friends still play... hi, I miss you!! I've been living lavish lately. If you want to still talk, DM me on instagram @calebneedsprivacy.
And you can close this thread if you'd like. I'm sure it will get closed.. I truly won't be surprised. Sorry to say it though, running from the truth isn't gonna help anything.

Alright.. bye <3
I Miss the old Foxcraft to...
Everything thats old will always be "better" then it's now. Most og's left because they mainly moved on with life or where facing new responsibilities that had a bigger priority.

There are certain games back in my kid years that I loved to play every single day, getting back into them now is just different and doesn't feel the same.

I also look back at the old times positively when I had all the time in the world. Reflecting back though I realise the general quality of the server was worse then it's now. Saying the server is bad in it's current state is in my opinion also not true. Having more players online at the time doesn't mean the server was any better then it's now.

A lot has changed over the times, blaming it all on me and the server itself is selfish and unjustified. Many factors have played a big role in the general decline of playercounts across all minecraft servers.
Everything thats old will always be "better" then it's now. Most og's left because they mainly moved on with life or where facing new responsibilities that had a bigger priority.

There are certain games back in my kid years that I loved to play every single day, getting back into them now is just different and doesn't feel the same.

I also look back at the old times positively when I had all the time in the world. Reflecting back though I realise the general quality of the server was worse then it's now. Saying the server is bad in it's current state is in my opinion also not true. Having more players online at the time doesn't mean the server was any better then it's now.

A lot has changed over the times, blaming it all on me and the server itself is selfish and unjustified. Many factors have played a big role in the general decline of playercounts across all minecraft servers.
@BayleighDayton It's good to see you pop back into the forums, many more og's come back eventually to say hi and chill around again. That makes me feel proud:)
Everything thats old will always be "better" then it's now. Most og's left because they mainly moved on with life or where facing new responsibilities that had a bigger priority.

There are certain games back in my kid years that I loved to play every single day, getting back into them now is just different and doesn't feel the same.

I also look back at the old times positively when I had all the time in the world. Reflecting back though I realise the general quality of the server was worse then it's now. Saying the server is bad in it's current state is in my opinion also not true. Having more players online at the time doesn't mean the server was any better then it's now.

A lot has changed over the times, blaming it all on me and the server itself is selfish and unjustified. Many factors have played a big role in the general decline of playercounts across all minecraft servers.
Hi it's me.. GlazedBear

I don't even play Minecraft anymore, and besides the recent log in I had after my 16th birthday, I barely log into this website.
I just came to say how much I miss the old times on this server. Before Prison and KitPvP's disastrous changes.
Before connor12568 was replaced by tons of Managers who all failed to keep their job for at least 1.5 years.
When there were moderators like runbutterrun, rcmrocks2. When KitPvP had tons of kits that actually made the game fun.
When OG players like ProbationZ (who is a helper now.. congrats!), Baest, and everyone from my old Skype call loyally played.
When player reports were public and people would argue over whether or not the evidence was sufficient.
When Foxcraft would hit high numbers like 500 players on weekdays.
When Donor ranks were actually global.

I think I've proven my point.. I miss old Foxcraft.
But then again.. this thread will be thrown out. Quite... shocking how you can throw out over 50% of your OG players due to horrible revamps and additions to the server.
But anyways. I'll log out for another few months. If any of my OG friends still play... hi, I miss you!! I've been living lavish lately. If you want to still talk, DM me on instagram @calebneedsprivacy.
And you can close this thread if you'd like. I'm sure it will get closed.. I truly won't be surprised. Sorry to say it though, running from the truth isn't gonna help anything.

Alright.. bye <3
we all do

cloak fox said that he's bringing back the old prison :DDDD

ps. I miss u glazed
you speak for us all, man. Like @Micm_ said those times where you'd be hype to log on and see who took over you on the killboard and then have this sudden energy rush to grind for hours on end to fuel your satisfaction and happiness, it's gone now. This server has developed, along with us and we have to keep those happy memories to remind us that it wasn't all for nothing. Cloak's right, it's unjustified to blame him for this server's change whether you think it's bad or not, it's just how it's happened. We can't read the future or bring back the past, because that's life.
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