I had to make a thread about this

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Mar 18, 2016
Ok most people that know me probably know how much im complaining about the staff team. And whenever I tell staff my complaints i get spammed with this: "Just report them" "leon is the only one that can change this". I'm not asking to demote the staff we have right now, im asking to actually recruit good staff members. Most of the new helpers got demoted or resigned, just get good people.
Ok most people that know me probably know how much im complaining about the staff team. And whenever I tell staff my complaints i get spammed with this: "Just report them" "leon is the only one that can change this". I'm not asking to demote the staff we have right now, im asking to actually recruit good staff members. Most of the new helpers got demoted or resigned, just get good people.
We all know you play on your mum's laptop and gets 10FPS which you cant rec with that and iam sorry for that, but..... you have a point "GET A BETTER PC" thats what i did and now i dont have to deal with that no more of that "Just report them" BS i jsut rec them facking haxorz!
XDD i have to deal with that shitty FPS i got 25-30 good day maybe 40 but i got a GTX1050 it superclocked now i get 150 Fps dank af
omg i'm so jealous. The problem for me is no one wants to give me a way to earn money, i'm doing lifeguard training but its gonna be 2 years until im allowed to submit an application. -_-
you probably dont destroy ur computers memory with cat memes :/
hah mines destroyed with roasts of people i hate and all kinds of stuff its a dell laptop you would think it sucks but its actually great ive had it for like 3 years now and still works amazing and for mineplex type servers its about 20fps
hah mines destroyed with roasts of people i hate and all kinds of stuff its a dell laptop you would think it sucks but its actually great ive had it for like 3 years now and still works amazing and for mineplex type servers its about 20fps
ew u play on mineplex type servers? thats where ur supposed to test ur ghost clients
"leon is the only one that can change this"
"im asking to actually recruit good staff members."
"just get good people"
I mean, that is handled by higher up staff sooooOOoooOOooooOO
yeh boooooooooi
I mean, it's not super easy to just 'get good people,' since the good people have to choose to play FC and then choose to apply, staff can't take good people and make them helpers.
its fun cause i know tons of people on there but if you want to be known for hacking thats lame but whatever you want
"lame" idgaf about what people think about me on a block game. Hacking is part of the game, I say if the servers don't catch you than you deserve not to be banned, u were good enough to hide your hacks.
"leon is the only one that can change this"
"im asking to actually recruit good staff members."
"just get good people"
I mean, that is handled by higher up staff sooooOOoooOOooooOO
yeh boooooooooi
I mean, it's not super easy to just 'get good people,' since the good people have to choose to play FC and then choose to apply, staff can't take good people and make them helpers.
atleast they were smart enough to demote you.
"lame" idgaf about what people think about me on a block game. Hacking is part of the game, I say if the servers don't catch you than you deserve not to be banned, u were good enough to hide your hacks.
atleast they were smart enough to demote you.
You're funny, I didn't get demoted.
I know I wasn't the best helper, but what exactly did I do wrong, or not do right?
You're funny, I didn't get demoted.
I know I wasn't the best helper, but what exactly did I do wrong, or not do right?
You and all the other staff got way to cocky. You act like your so important and you do no work. When ever someone reports something you just say "record it" and once they do that u spend 1 second to /ban them. Staff are supposed to watch and ban. We should only have to record when there are no staff on.
You and all the other staff got way to cocky. You act like your so important and you do no work. When ever someone reports something you just say "record it" and once they do that u spend 1 second to /ban them. Staff are supposed to watch and ban. We should only have to record when there are no staff on.
wat the wat
It seems like your problem is with staff in general, not with me.
Eh, if I could have handled reports, I would have. Cuz I couldn't really record. But yeh. Whatever m8.
Plus, it's a lot more tedious to ban someone as helper than you think.
wat the wat
It seems like your problem is with staff in general, not with me.
Eh, if I could have handled reports, I would have. Cuz I couldn't really record. But yeh. Whatever m8.
Plus, it's a lot more tedious to ban someone as helper than you think.
I know its tedious. First you have to get proof they are hacking, secondly you have to tempban them. Third you have to find a mod or higher and give them the evidence of the player hacking and get them to ban the player. All im asking is atleast try.
I know its tedious. First you have to get proof they are hacking, secondly you have to tempban them. Third you have to find a mod or higher and give them the evidence of the player hacking and get them to ban the player. All im asking is atleast try.
k yeh dey be tryin okie m8?
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